I'm at my desk. The boys just got home from school. Kai came up to give me a 'pearl' he found today at school. True treasure and he chose to gift his Mama. Sob. So sweet.
Eric has been outside for days building something. Lots of loud tools and welding going on. I asked, he said a protective plate for the winch. It's actually a sweet bush bar. He has looked previously but didn't like how they interrupt the look of the grill. Can't find what you want...learn to fabricate it yourself. Wild. It looks good on Oscar.
On another note, while discussing theft, I said we don't really have anything valuable to take here and Eric was quick to say "well, Oscar". Haha.
I had a much dreaded appointment with my Endocrinologist today. She is difficult to talk to, bossy and it feels often that she sees diabetes as the biggest issue in my world and it's hard to convey that the colectomy and short bowel syndrome are the overriding issue 24/7. Diabetes is like an annoying footnote in comparison.
There is a push for diabetes classes, constant blood monitoring, finger pricks before and after each meal and a sleep study. I worked up the guts and today instead of saying I'd make an appointment I said, I'm almost 60, I do things I don't want to do everyday and I KNOW I don't want to do a sleep study at a sleep center or wear a c-pap machine to sleep. The idea of having someone watch me sleep on camera in a strange place is just not in my comfort zone. Surprisingly, she heard me and let it go. We'll leave that for when I'm not sleeping. Anyways, she also reported all numbers are good and some improving and I'm one of her easiest patients. That was shocking.