
Our family.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Family Frolics & Costumes

She liked all the other kids around but she sure wasn't sure about Inge.

Come on Lili, lets go!

Ok, she wasn't totally last, one kid decided not to run at all.

Our cute wee kittens!  Jia was so unhappy about this costume.  She'll likely warm up to the idea of dressing up like a 'mew' sometime after Halloween.

Lili and I took Jia to her first Family Frolics.  It's a gym full of toys, free play for kids 0 - 6 and then at the end they run races.  Way back when Lili and Fei went, there used to be a circle time too.  I was told last night that they dropped the circle time because it's hard to get kids to sit in a circle.  I said 'ya' that's why it's good to introduce them to sitting in a circle'.  So they did one song at the end for me and Jia very happily sat in the circle with all of the other kids and they all looked happy too.  Jia LOVED the gym and all of the toys, she ran from toy to toy for the whole hour.  There were some favorites, she loved crawling through the tubes and Lili would run ahead and say 'boo' to her at the ends which caused lots of laughing.  She loved the mini trampoline and all of the ride ons.  Hula hoops were funny, she figured out how to make them work, she insisted I hold onto one and then turned herself around and around in circles in the middle.  She seemed to enjoy the other little kids and was upset when clean up time came around.  The races at the end were a hoot.  She was last.  Which made me laugh because Lili and Fei were always last too!  She didn't care though, she ran her heart out with a big smile.  The drive was long, so not sure we'll go every week but we'll certainly drop in there again.

Then last night we managed to finally get her cat costume on her.  The big girls had theirs on and they were pretending to be cats to entice her, which finally worked, she did finally insist on having hers on too.  That lasted until the head part came up and then she was done.  I managed to take a couple pictures but honestly I suspect that's the last time she puts that costume on.  My one idea of using her apron from her toy kitchen was pretty good, I even found a red bakers hat at the thrift store to match but she won't wear the hat!  She puts everything on her head and asks for hats all the time but won't even contemplate the red one.  We put it in her toy room.  Hoping she'll aquaint herself with it before Halloween.  Ok, so what do you dress your toddler as if they won't wear a costume?!  The girls taught her how to say halloween and trick-or-treat last night and then she did trick-or-treat with all of us for a while.  So she's half ready.

Miss Lacie is in her surgury right now.  I'm a mess worrying about her.  Dying to hear from Eric with an update!