
Our family.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Museum and the ballet.

Can't see the woolly mammoth, but he's iconic, so we take his picture every time we're there.

Lili loves the old kitchen and the smell of apple pie, Jia was sniffing like crazy and asking "what's that? num numbs?"

She walked the whole museum and then crashed in the car after one bite of cookie.  We thought the crumbs on her lips were so cute!

We found these dresses at Costco, got a little one for Jia too but she didn't go to the ballet with us.  Anyone looking for Christmas dresses, they're on for $18.99!!

Fei and I couldn't believe we got this shot of Sophie!  They move so fast.

Love this one of Stella, looks like she's peeking at Sophie.

They seemed to really like these Halloween decoration rats!  Too funny.  Sophie sat posed for quite a while.  Wild.

The girls had a pro-d day Friday, Eric was taking them to the museum and at the last minute I skipped work and went with them.  We all had a great relaxing day.  On our own, it was raining so it was a perfect day to stroll and explore the museum.  The big girls have been often enough that they're familiar with the exhibits and have favorite sections.  They were awesome with Jia showing her around.  Jia has been before but this was the first time she wasn't in a stroller.  She walked the whole thing. 

Saturday Jia and I went to her music class.  We have so much fun doing that.  She loves it there.  Then the big girls and I went to see Footloose.  It's corny, total remake, storyline the same but it was fun and I grinned through a lot of it.  Then the big girls and I went to see Ballet Rock with Avery and my Mom and Dad.  I'm a bit worried about the symphony next weekend though, there were 12 dancers, all of them beautiful and amazing to watch but the music was sleepy time for the first half and I had a really hard time staying awake through parts of it!  Ballet isn't our thing for sure.  Both girls said they much prefer to hear the bagpipes, it makes them want to dance :)

Sunday we had an occupational therapist come to the house to meet with Fei and work on ideas for her sensory issues in the classroom.  It was a bit lame, all the same stuff we basically know already.  She did talk to us a bit about Fei using crunchy food and that was new to us and so Miss Fei will be allowed potato chips etc in her lunch now.  She's underweight so it won't be a big deal for her and if crunching on snacks will help her make everything feel right in her body then how great is that?!  What a lesson we're having on sensory issues.  It's clear to us now that although Fei's sensory issues are huge, it's clear that Lili has lots too and now we see as Jia gets older, her need to be moving constantly is clearly sensory seeking.  So we have three kids with sensory stuff going on.

Then we had our social worker come and do Jia's 12month post placement.  She said all signs of babyhood are gone.  Sniff.  The also said she's hit all of the three year old milestones.  Sniff.  Then asked if we wanted her to look at the four year old milestones, we declined.  Yikes, she's only 20mo.  I still see a bit of baby left.  Anyways, she asked if we were done and I said I still think about my son who I've named Ren Di and Eric pretended to hit me over the head with a plastic stool leg so I guess he's clearly still saying he's done. 

It was a busy weekend.  We tidied quite a bit for the SW.  I know on all levels that's it's no big deal.  I know that too clean is a problem.  I know that our house on any day is plenty fine.  And I still fretted.  Cleaned the toy room the morning of the visit and then realized it looked like no one played in there, so I sent Jia in to make a bit of a mess and she wasn't messy enough for me so I scattered a few things just before our SW arrived.  I do know the levels of my insanity and I'm ok.  I think.

The big girls stayed overnight with Gramma and Grampa on Sat. so they needed to come home early Sunday for the appointments.  Their stuff was all dumped, they had chores to do  (critter care) and they both needed to bath.  I ended up sitting Sophie (Lili was cleaning and she's a bit afraid of getting bite again by her so Fei brings her to me).  I ended up doing a wee photo shoot of them and we got some great pictures.  I'll just post a few.  Sophie is almost 6mo. and Stella is 4mo.  They are just sooo sweet.