Keeping you all in the loop of our brand of crazy. Fei's rat Sophie has cancer, she's our first biter and she began biting Stella a little too often. Stella needed to be moved so she's been living for a few weeks in a transport cage (too small). She was healing so it was ok to keep her quiet but she really needed a bigger cage. Now, buying a new rat cage at $160 seemed a little insane since Sophie has cancer and we don't know how long she'll be with us so I was looking for something used and cheaper like a rabbit or guinea pig cage. Eric found another rat cage identical to ours for $50 so we managed to find time in the Dec. chaos to pick it up. I'm thrilled that they match of course and the price was good. It's not however ideal to have rats living on their own. They should have cage mates. Eric is still dismayed that the girls are intent to keep going with rats. He's likely a little worried that there is room for even more rats now! While all the rat drama has been unfolding Fei's teacher has a pet mouse in the class with a litter of babies (pups) and Fei has been giving us daily reports and she really, really, really wants to have baby mice now. They are soooo tiny and super cute. I'm a push over, I'd say yes but I've told her she'd need Dad's approval and she better prepare a really good argument to present to him. She tried, bless her, she told him they are tiny, so have tiny poops, so would be easier to clean. Since he doesn't clean them, that wasn't much of a selling point and he has said no to mice. Too funny.

Jia and I decorated the N house together, she loved it and likes to talk about it. She worked as hard and seriously as I did and she didn't eat any of the candy. I stole a few, I tried to get her to eat the project but she wasn't interested. Go figure.
I showed Fei how to do counted cross stitch, she picked it up really fast. This is her first project. She did it for her teacher. She did a fabulous job with it. She's already moved onto project #2, it's a panda.
Dancing at Cairnsmore on Saturday, Jia's first public show. Honestly, I was sure she'd be sitting on my lap, refusing to go out. Darned if she didn't get right in there and dance with all the kids. Beyond cute. I almost cried from the cuteness alone. So proud. Fei and Lili were happy to have her out there with them.
She was so scared and so excited and she told us later that she had fun.
Jia's 1st sleepover in her room. Also her first time in her Tinkerbell ready bed. They had a grand old time in there the two of them but after an hour we had to take Jia into our bed and let Kalum get some sleep. She was just too excited to ever settle down.
Deanna and Fei spent a fair amount of time in Fei's room drawing and writing and having some silly time. Fei didn't want Lili in her room so unfortunately Lili was a little left out. Too much going on these days, Fei is having a hard time holding it together 24/7. We're having a tough go with her being unkind to Lili these days. Hoping for the end of school so she can get back to normal.
I went upstairs to chase the littles back down to the playroom and found them all snuggled up playing with ds's. Jia had Fei's ds. They played like that for over an hour. Jia asked me to leave them alone so they could do their ds's. I ran down and got the camera and then I left them alone. With Jia having Kalum to play with, Eric and I had a couple hours alone in the living room on Saturday night. I think that bodes well for her having a sibling close in age!

We went to Butchart last night, in a storm. Wind and rain like I've never seen before. It was totally crazy to stay, but we were there and I didn't want to have to go back and we thought "how bad could it be". Well, it can be very bad :) Seriously crazy. Earlier in the day Jia refused to walk in the mall but she walked the whole garden because she was happy to be using one of their umbrellas, two year old logic boggles the mind. So, poor Eric had to push an empty stroller the whole time. I had to have my purse in a plastic bag. Normally we laugh about rain but this was survival. It was hard to keep the umbrellas from blowing away. At least it was only chilly versus the freezing we've seen there before. It felt like we were there forever, but even including dinner in the blue poppy room and a ride on the carousel we were out of there in two hours. That was record time for the walk. None of us stopped to ohh or aww over anything. It's a bit of a blur already.
Ok, the weekend ended, I'm back at work and feeling like we missed the weekend! There sure wasn't any down time! As I look at my calendar for this week I feel a knot in my stomach, knowing that we don't get to breath until Sunday. Concert week, last week of school, too many parties. Just too much all at once. The kids just don't need this much stimulation all at once. Bah hum bug. We've had our tree for a week and it's still not decorated. Sigh. Wish us luck with the next week.