
Our family.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Ok, ok, ok, I know I've never wanted one before. I've often said the kids fit just fine in my little car and I prefer suv's. But, times change. Maybe it's the gray hair, but I'm really, really excited about the new family transporter that Eric just made a deal on today for me! Yes folks, the Nelson's are buying a mini-van! It's almost like one of those inevitable things in life that is finally just happening for us. Always slow starters.
Everyone who knows us would know how much I HATE car shopping and how much Eric LOVES it. One of those areas that we are totally opposite about. So, I grudgingly said 'if I have to have one, this is my list'. I'm not sure how much hunting he did but the kids have been grumbling. On Sat. he took me to look at one that fit my required description including colors inside and out. I sat in it and said 'oh ya' this is my car'. Big girls and I left Eric and Jia at the lot and took off, we cranked the radio and made lots of jokes about rocking the mini-van. Seriously though, man is it ever a nice car to drive, total comfort and a ton of space, I might finally see why all of my friends love their mini-vans so much. We wasted a few more hours looking at stuff that was close but not it. I spent some time on-line to approve the price range and Eric made the deal today. I think we pick it up tomorrow.