
Our family.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Stitches for Jia

She was still a bit scared here, but moments later she was playing all over the place and as happy as could be.

It's all fun until someone gets hurt.  This time the tom-foolery hurt Jia.  Hit her head on a piano leg.  Scary amount of blood.  Cut was only 3/4" long but deep.  So, off to emergency I went with Lili and girlfriend Debbie.  Lili was such a great nurse, running all over getting everything I asked for, wipes, kleenex, cold clothes, water, barretts, shoes for me and Jia, diapers etc.  We got there at 8:30 and were home by 11.  Everyone stayed up and we had Asia's 6th Birthday celebration at 11, bed at midnight. 

Jia was a tropper about being at the hospital.  It was decided that she should have sleepy juice because she was so active the Dr. didn't think she'd tolerate stitches.  Twenty minutes later she was bouncing off the walls so she got a second dose of sleepy juice.  I let the nurse know she was starting to sway and we moved her to the procedure room.  Lili was front and center telling the Dr. she wants to be a Dr. one day, he asked her how her grades were and she proudly said 'all A's'.  He grinned at her and told her to keep up the good work.  Jia layed still the whole time, whispered a couple owes and then leaped into my arms when it was done and happily said 'Goodbye Doctor'. 

So, mine and Eric's biggest problem of the day is that we don't have a family Doctor.   Our clinic closed suddenly and I tried for three weeks before Lili and I left for China to get a new Doctor.  We applied to several clinics but when we got home still hadn't heard from any of them.  Admitting wrote that we didn't have a Dr. and the Dr. at the hospital asked how that had happened and I told him the whole story.  I told him we really need one if we're going to consider another adoption.  Both he and the nurse with him are adoptive parents and he said he knew a Dr. that might consider taking us all on.  Turns out his wife is a Dr. and she isn't taking new patients but he gave me her number and told me the magic words to use :)  So, the red threads continue to abound.  It's a shame Jia had to be hurt but it was minor in the scheme of things, she's fine and we got a family Dr.