
Our family.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Books and more books

The girls and I tackled a huge project yesterday, we moved the kids book shelf from the basement to the top floor.  It took hours to sort and cull.  So, we got rid of three big boxes stuffed with books, everything came out of the shelf and then we had a hard time fitting the ones we kept back in.  Why wasn't there some space left from the books we culled out?  It was perplexing to say the least.  So, the shelf is once again upstairs for little kids to pick out bedtime stories.  We moved it down when Lili and Fei outgrew picture books and now Jia has outgrown baby books and is ready for paper pages, I hope.  She isn't exactly gentle. 

Next we're moving the kitchen center down to the basement.  Not sure how thrilled Lili and Fei are about the toys coming to their big kid space.   We've told them if it really doesn't work out we'll look for another solution. 

Eric bought Jia a 35gallon fish tank for her Birthday, shhhh, don't tell her.  Beyond crazy for her one little tiny Tia goldfish.  We have been overfeeding Tia and it's caused her ammonia burn on her back fin.  Poor wee thing.  So, it's been a crash course in fish care and Eric is still moving forward.  Now he's busy painting a skookum cabinet to move up to the kitchen for the tank to sit on because with water it will 380 lbs.  Seriously.  I am totally mystified about how we'll clean that?!  I should say, how Eric will clean that.  It's always fun to have a project.  I think it will be hilarious to release Tia into that huge tank all by herself. 

Emily and Asia came to play on Sat. night.  It was a surprise visit.  Jia was thrilled to see Emily.  They are so cute together.  After they left Jia was singing a song about her friend Emily.  Awww.

OK, so Little Guy updates.  I always forget that there are folks reading this blog other than my Mom and I've been getting e-mails and condolences.  Adoption is a huge leap of faith at the best of times.  Eric and I knew going into this one that it was a bit of a long shot.  We're not shocked by this turn of events and we have no idea how it will end up.  We have heard back from China in an e-mail and the powers that be have demanded that Little Guy be made paper ready.  So, we are not without hope and for now we're waiting.  We are going to continue finishing up the home study and dossier and concentrate on getting logged in with China.  We'll be ready the moment our son is ready for us.  Clearly this is going to take longer than we had hoped.  I still feel strongly that we're doing what we're meant to be doing.  Of course we can use our dossier once it's logged in for a match with a different child but we're not putting any energy into those thoughts.  We want our Little Guy home.