
Our family.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Potty Trained
Oh, I hesitate to write this, here goes...Jia is potty trained! She made the decision herself on a four day weekend for me so it was perfect. We stayed home for two days and on day one she went to the potty a lot, I took her every half hour and keep her well hydrated. She ate a lot of little chocolates that day :) Day two we went every hour. Day three we stopped pushing all the liquid and let her direct herself to the potty. Day four we went out into the world and she refused to go on any other toilet. They had black seats, were too loud and too yucky. I had great fear that we'd be having accidents everywhere. It turns out that our wee girl can really hold it, for a long time. In the first week we were driving home between events for her to use the potty. I'm happy to report three weeks in, she will use the potties available. She has had a few accidents, mostly not getting her pants down fast enough once she is at the potty. She is already starting to have a few dry diapers in the morning. It's gone much better than I anticipated. She has already forgotten about chocolates. I'm fairly certain she won't regress. She was asking and asking for a potty party and a potty cake. I had no idea where she was getting this idea but we decided on report card day for the big girls to make a cake and celebrate all three kids. Jia was delighted and we sang 'happy pee pee party to you'. Cute. When I told Nicole about it she let me know she did tell Jia about Potty Parties just before Jia decided it was time. Now, a kid that will potty train to get a party is a serious party girl! She's already moved on to talking about her 3rd Birthday party.
Mom bought Jia a gown for the Christmas season, she was absolutely delighted and she was told that it was for 'wearing out' and now every time we're leaving she wants to change into her new dress. Bowling on Sunday was 'going out' and when I told her she was fine in what she was wearing (pink monkey pants and pink shirt) she looked down at herself in disgust and said "I can't wear this out!!". Our upstairs landing is really dim, I had no idea the full mirror had so many hand prints on it until I saw this picture. Too funny.
Fei is always trying to do Lili's hair, all that long thick hair is enough to make her offer up deals that Lili might go for. L hates having her hair done but likes her back tickled so Fei offers up half hour back scratches if she can do her hair and then we have to listen while they barter about how long Lili has to keep the hair doo in. It's quite hilarious. Jia's hair is finally long enough for Fei to do and Jia is finally happy to sit long enough. Of course we can't get the hair to stay nice for more than a few minutes but it's a start.
All three girls had their eyes tested yesterday and Lili got quite a shock, her previously perfect vision isn't anymore and she needs glasses. Fei and Jia are still good. Lili says she doens't mind wearing glasses she was just so shocked. She wasn't keen on looking at frames. This is a kid that rejects almost all shopping, except video games and groceries. She doesn't care for girly things including jewelry and hair pretties so glasses fall into that same bling category for her. She was horrified at the selection available for girls. This is not going to be easy. In her mind, she is running free in the forest with her wolf pack. Blingy glasses with gemstones just don't fit her image.
Almost the end of November and still no word on Little Guy. Thank goodness we're into Christmas and the girls keep me busy enough to keep the insanity at bay.