
Our family.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Unpleasant post

I don't like writing this update on Little Guy.

Seems the Director of Changting has changed his mind about letting Little Guy be adopted internationally, he will only let him be adopted domestically.

Not sure of any details.  Waiting for more clarification but it's not looking very promising right now. 

There was some talk of him being moved to another social welfare institute that does do international files.  Not sure how likely this is.  No clue how long it could take if we can go forward from there.

Lili and I did meet the Director of this other SWI and his Vice Director and Secretary, not sure if that helps at all.  Clearly the Director of Changting isn't a fan of international adoption and Lili and I visiting obviously didn't change his opinion.  I don't think he knows that it's my family interested in Little Guy, I don't think he knows there was interest in him other than the Provincial Director wanting the special needs kids made paper ready in general. 

My heart breaks for him that he isn't being made paper ready for us or for anyone else and that he might have to move which is always stressful for any child.

I was fairly comfortable with thinking we might not get his file but he'd still at least get adopted.  Today, he's stuck in a horrible situation with no future.  No surgery.  Not enough food.  No education.  To say my heart is broken today is a major understatement.