
Our family.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Fathers Day

Our day just didn't go as planned.  Eric was going to ride and the girls and I were going to have a lazy day in the backyard.  But, Eric's friend who has moved into our apartment and is going to be helping out around the house and yard in lieu of rent didn't get the lawn mowed during the week.  Eric usually makes sure it's mowed mid week so that the grass smell is calm by the weekend, he does this for Fei.  In the end Eric ended up mowing on Fathers Day.  The arrangement isn't working quite yet.  By noon he was thinking he still had time but then he got busy with some other projects and then just kept going.  I felt way too guilty about relaxing when he was working so hard, so the girls and I got going on housework and then after lunch moved our efforts outside.  Jia played near where we were and helped out a bit too.  I found some old shells that the big girls bought when they were little, I set Jia up outside with a bucket of soapy water and she cleaned those shells for about an hour!  I can see it will be fairly easy to entertain her outside this summer.  She also discovered that if you smear chalk on really thick you can make hand prints with the chalk.  We had to strip her down at the door yesterday :)  Anyways, Mom and Dad came over with their left overs from Avery's grad celebration and we had ours so we shared dinner, sitting on the back deck in the newely cleaned table and chairs.  Then we all met my brother and his dog and went for a walk on a new dyke down the road from our place.  We brought the stroller in case Jia needed to rest, she hadn't had a nap yet.  She ended up walking the whole way but Mom and Dad's dogs enjoyed a nice push.  In the end I think Eric was pleased with how much work and clean up got done around the house.  Next year I might have to take his choice away and force an outing.

A new trail cutting knife for Daddy.  It's too funny how big it is :)
This has nothing to do with Fathers Day.  This is Jia and Emily, Emily came for a playdate last week.  How do you like to enjoy eating your chocolate chip cookies?!  They had so much fun together.  Jia was so sad when she left and then she promptly ran to the couch and crashed.

Love it.  Look at the wind in everyone's hair.

Fei loves walking Isabel.

It was starting to drizzle as we left home so I brought Jia's umbrella.  She used it for most of our walk.  No rain of course and it was windy enough that she had a few scares with being blown around and then would hold my hand or put the umbrella away.  Only to get it back out and try again.  Oh the talks and lesson we had last night just on wind alone.

Group shot, minus Lili who is taking the photo.