
Our family.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Opening Luk's file and pictures last Tuesday

Huddled around Mom's laptop, trying to figure out how to get logged in to my mail account.
Suggesting to everyone that I could just open the file up on my phone, NOW.
Here he is!
Collective 'awww'.
It's a week tomorrow since we saw his little face.  He's 14mo. in the picture and 23mo. old this Friday.  We really need an update, on his size, his health, his development and physical levels and abilities.  We're cautiously moving forward but seriously my reading and researching is doing nothing to help the anxiety over his need and the possible issues he could encounter.  Once he is ours and we adore him the needs won't matter, I do know that, but it's hard to dive in while reading all the worst case situations.  I sooooo want updated photos, clearer ones.  I know he must have changed a lot in the last nine months! 
We got an updated file and photos for Fei.  She was 9mo. in her file and 15mo. when we got referral.  We were told then the the files are updated every six months.  Let's hope that is true for Luk! 
I did have an update on Jia too, but I paid an ourside company for those pictures.   Not on purpose, I actually sent moon cakes to the orphanage and got surprise pics in my e-mail one morning.  I'm not allowed to send anything to Luk until pre-approval. 
About pre-approval...  families are reporting getting theirs in 2 - 10 days, but when I asked Sunrise I was told 3 - 5 weeks!  Yikes.  I was a tad concerned about that but then I read on the weekend that there are new rules with the new computer system and if you are logged in (we were) and you send letter of intent in for a log in only child (Luk was) then you skip pre-approval and the pre-approval is actually when we are moved to the matching room.  Which means our file has been reviewed and approved and we're in the room where LOA's come from.  Which is the all important paper that asks us if we want to adopt the child proposed and we're only one step away from travel approval.  It's a long and tedious procedure for sure.  Which only gives me more time to worry and get caught up in special needs angst.
So right now, collective thoughts and prayers for a speedy review and approval of our family file.