
Our family.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Finally allowed to post pictures of Luk!!!

I called the agency today, day 38 of our LOA wait and was told that they now have the key working, they can see our status and we are waiting on official paperwork.  We are reviewed, approved and matched.  Fonnie is away next week so let me know that Deliah would handle our paperwork.  Sounds like they expect the actual paper LOA any time now.  Wow.  I love Sunrise, I really do, but I do wish the good news flowed better/faster.  I'm delighted with the news, would have been delighted as it happened too.  Also heard that they did match another family at the same time but that family turned their file down and so we are on our own for this trip.  In the meantime...we are finally allowed to show off the pictures of our handsome little guy!!

Introducing our Son and Little Brother
Ning Tian Feng
Born September 23/2011
Living in the Ningdu SWI
  Ningdu County, Jiangxi Province, China
Soon to be named
Luk Tian Feng Nelson

  It feels surreal today.  Such happiness, we can't wait to meet him!  Oh, he's 14mo. in the pictures and this Mama sure would like an updated picture!  I know the pictures of Luk are poor quality.  Hoping my own scan of the originals will turn out better when we finally get them.
Fei and Jia are both from Jiangxi.  Luk's SWI is right inbetween Lili and Fei's.  Very cool.