
Our family.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Scoliosis Clinic day

Long day.  Left at 9 and hit the mall to get Eric, Lili and Fei new phone accessories.  Ended up waiting for the store to open ;)  So cool that their choices are totally their personalities and I could have guessed which ones they would pick. 

Then to Vic General for X rays.   Got there early and got in early too.  Lunch and then onto Queen Alexandra.  Lili had a different Dr.  She has grown 3/4 of an inch in the last year and is now 4' 7".  Her curve was 14 last year, they don't typically intervene until 15.  The great news is that her curve is now 11.25.  I haven't read before about the curves improving on their own before.   Dr. last year said she had one more year of growing,  this Dr. said there was lots of growing room in her spine.  Puberty is key in girls growth and he seemed to forget that in his final words.  Makes me so uncomfortable when Dr's.  have such big differences in opinion.  The advice either way is to go home and grow and they'll call her back next year. 

Then a quick visit with Catherine and girls.  Home now with some tired little kids.  Luk did a lot of walking today.

Pic. of Luk doing some more flexing.  He thinks that is just so funny.