
Our family.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Vic's Celebration of Life

Eric's Dad passed away this past Oct.  Tomorrow is his celebration of life.  Tonight the family got together.  Luk's first time meeting most of them.  He was hugging everyone.  From the adoption stand point it's so not cool.  It's just not normal for a two and a half year old to take to anyone immediately.   For everyone else he's cute and charming.  Sigh.  Trying to explain proved futile and the few times I tried it was pooh poohed aside.  Sigh again.  It was easier to shield the girls as babies.  Luk is cruising and really expecting to be the center of attention.  Anyways...The 11 cousins (plus Cole - 2nd cousin) were together, Dayton didn't want his picture taken so they all decided to swarm around him but it didn't really work.  Lots of failed photo attempts and one seriously peeved teenager.

We've just discovered this past week that Jia is quite allergic to mangos.  Poor wee thing is covered in hives.  She was having enough fun playing with cousin Gabrielle today to forget about her hives.  Unfortunately she missed a benadryl dose and just woke up scratching frantically. 

Should be another busy day tomorrow.