
Our family.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Sandbox

Colds.  We're all passing it back and forth.  My voice is back but still really sore when I talk or swallow.

Lili thought she was on her way to larengitis the night before her speech at school.  She was ok for school on Monday but she stayed home with me today.  We both tried laying low.  Jia was in school and Eric took Luk with him to run errands.  Not much rest here though, even with the littles gone!  Eric had a friend visit, three phone messages and Scott left then came back and mowed the front yard.  All things that got our little Lacie alarm going.   Certainly not a peaceful nap but at least I wasn't up and down caring for the littles.

The littles finally got their sand in the new sand table.  Major hit with both of them.  Luk couldn't stop to smile for a picture.  Serious digging to be done.  Finally some more typical boy play ;)  He's also been getting on his knees and pushing his cars around.  So sweet.  He makes vroom sounds too.

Eric made us Chinese lettuce wraps for dinner tonight.  They were awesome.   Fei loved them too.  Afraid the other three kids weren't too thrilled.   They'll be looking for giant bedtime snacks tonight.

The littles are wearing their blankies again as superhero capes tonight.  Well according  to them Jia is a superhero and Luk is a sidekick.   ;)  So much to be thankful for.