Serious cuteness.

Our family.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Eric's Mom Linda passed away Saturday morning. It was mercifully fast. Four weeks and one day past her diagnosis. All four of her kids were together with her at the end. The cancer was everywhere. She was kept really doped up at the end. No lucid moments for the last few days. Brutal. Eric is ok. We're all glad it's over and there is no more pain for her. The hospital called and let us know her end was close so we pulled the kids from school and were all able to say our final goodbyes.
Unfortunately, one of Eric's sisters lost it today and was on a rant. She is willed the lions share and still wants more and she wants it now. She was doing some pretty wild name calling today. I'm pretty ticked that the greiving process has to be interrupted to deal with this crud. Hoping Eric can get away from the mess for a wee break.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
We dropped Jia off for Kindergarten today. She got up bouncing today. Totally thrilled to be going to school 'like Lili and Fei'. With her back pack like Lili and Fei. With a snack packed in her lunch kit like Lili and Fei. In the same car and drop off with Lili and Fei! The big girls hung with me while we waited for her door to open :) Jia wanted me to stay for a bit but she didn't need me at all. Found her hook and put her indoor shoes on. She made a friend outside who held her hand into the class. Awww. So sweet. Then her new friend Melody took her to the carpet and sat with her. I only stayed a few minutes. Eric picked her up and she was pretty excited. School was super fun, she misses her indoor shoes and she can't wait to go back tomorrow.
I'm at work alone all day today. Feeling grateful for Eugene's company even if he sleeps the bulk of the day.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Luk's 3rd Birthday
I think Luk had a great day. The horse showing up after dinner was a huge hit. Luk proudly shows off three fingers now. Uncle Dwayne and Auntie Tammy showed up just as Goldie was getting out of her trailer so they got to see the excitement. Luk wanted up right away and I'm sure he would have loved to stay on Goldie for the whole visit. It was sad saying goodbye. Luckily the rain stopped during the visit. Goldie was really sweet and great with the kids all around her. Kirsten was great teaching the kids all about Goldie. We ended the evening with presents. Total overkill. Desk, train/duplo table, Diego/Dora duplo, workbench and tools and a bag of cars for his mat. While we were walking around with Goldie I noticed we have a new wood shed added to the back of the bike/toy shed. One of Scott's last projects.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Jia's 1st day of school.
Oh my. Our little dear. I'm used to our Jia and her 'ways ' so I'm not totally humiliated.
First she was so excited that even though I had her in bed by 8:30 she was awake until midnight. Sigh. So we're both tired today. Then this morning she decided she wasn't eating. Period. It wasn't pretty. I was up earlier than usual we had an extra hour built in and I still didn't get time for a shower.
It's Luk's 3rd Birthday so he had a bath and got gussied up for his hip hop class. Plus Eric made cup cakes to share and they were on a Superman plate. Exciting times.
Eric left with Luk to hip hop and I left with Jia to meet her teacher. By the time we got there at 9:30 she had been talking and arguing with me for three straight hours. Then she flat out refused to talk to her teacher. She wouldn't stay seated and was whirling twirling around the library and danced over to us, interrupted us to say "my sister Fei calls me a poo poo head and I don't like to be called a poo poo head!". Yup. Not kidding. Not exaggerating. Such a proud parenting moment. I said "hey, those are potty words and we don't use those at school". Not sure what her teacher said, my ears were buzzing.
At least Missy looked adorable. You can hardly see the giant kitten scratch running down her whole face. Yay Eugene.
Eric took Luk to see Gramma and they had cupcakes together. I took Jia to work and she was drawing me a surprise picture. She used permanent lumber marker that soaked through her paper and got all over my desk and then put $4 worth of stamps on it. Then folded it and used the official return envelope from Citizenship Canada, she colored on it, used glue to close it up and stapled it for good measure. Arg. So the good news is that we got a letter yesterday asking for Luk's permanent resident card, which means Citizenship is immenent. I was able to remove the staple, open the envelope and use it by taping it shut. It was a great relief to have Eric take her home today!
We are still supposed to have a horse coming over this evening but it's pouring rain so none of us are looking forward to Goldy's visit. Next post will be about Luk's Birthday.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Lili and Fei back to school.
Lili to grade 7 and Fei to grade 6.
Half day today. The teachers haven't even seen their class lists so the kids are off to their last class for today. New classes tomorrow. Mostly everyone seemed happy-ish this morning. I was surprised to see a lot of older kids I didn’t recognize.