
Our family.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Luk Got Broken

For real. He rolled off the couch in the playroom onto four layers of carpet and still managed to break his collarbone!  Right at bedtime last night.  It was so hard to imagine but he was awfully dramatic so we decided he should go to the emergency. Of course they don't 'do' anything for a fractured clavicle bone so he was sent home with a sling.  He's taking Tylenol.  He can't move his right arm at all without screaming. 

The timing totally sucks. Not that any time is ever great. Kai is a big walking toddler.  He requires a lot of hands on help.  Not potty trained, no self care skills and can't really feed himself.  Now Luk is in the same boat.  Our hands are super full now.  Reading online and it looks like 3 months for the bone to heal.

Poor wee boy.  He really is delicate.