
Our family.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Back to busy.

I miss spring break already. 

All three girls were less than thrilled to go back to school.

Eric and I have made six trips over five weeks to our access center and we still don't have a medical number for Kai!  They lost his file in Victoria.  Long stupid story.  It's not lost, it's on Jessa's desk in Victoria. Everyone is trying to save face. We thought yesterday that it was finally sorted but this morning Victoria requested a new application because there was something crossed off the second copy. Which of course they would only know if they had the first one to compare.  What ever.  Eric picked up another blank and brought it to me to fax from work.  I was told by a couple people that on a domestic adoption there isn't a protocol in place.  Clearly.  I had to write a letter explaining Kai's history and adoption placement because they just don't get it. Wild.  Our government at work for us.  The frustrating part, aside from all of it is that I just don't believe there are hoards of families trying to randomly add kids to their account that aren't their kids. Eric told them yesterday that I was going to call them every day. Meanwhile Kai is healthy and he's seen our pediatrician during one of Luk's appointments.

Lili had to pick her electives for next year. She is so sweet.  Worried about making the right choice for her future. Lots of chatting before the final decisions were made.

Only three months of school left!! Yay.

The rumor mill has finally kicked in at Fei and Jia's school about kiddo number five. Lots of questions suddenly.  Those not in the know are finally realizing Eric has two little boys with him at pick up.

Luk went back to school for the first time since his collarbone break.  The boys in his class tend to knock him over quite easily. So we just pulled him.  He isn't complaining of any pain and he's allowing us to pick him up normally again. Kai was invited to play in the school and he happily joined in for a half hour.

Eric's job building for the play grew again. I'm not impressed.  Way too much for one person.  Hoping we can balance family time and time off for him to get it done. 

Kai has suddenly decided to parrot me during book/learning time.  He loves to snuggle in and listen to stories and even better when he gets to be involved.  Luk and Jia are enthusiastic learners. So much fun to see Kai get as involved.

Kai progress, he is now dressing and undressing himself. Except for sox, which are tricky, he gets them on but never the right way. He has mastered the fork and spoon.  Ok, maybe not mastered so much, but he no longer requires help.  We rarely have to remind him about little bites. He is starting to use just one hand to hold food and we haven't seen double fisting in a while. The best thing ever...he is staying in his bed until we get him up!!  I don't know how or why but it's awesome. He sits up in bed waiting and springs up when we get up. Cute. 

The other day we woke up to hear Luk say "Kai, I don't think you should have the garbage can on your head'. That got Eric up pretty fast. I think he was worried about 'garbage'.  I know there is only bits of paper in the boy's trash. I was picturing him getting it stuck on his head.

Jia ordered a book and it came, she bought it with her own money. Shopkins mad libs. Seriously silly.  Shopkins are freaky to start with. She loves the part about adding words into the story.  On her first story one of the sentences had the words 'swinging underwear'.  So, ya, it's a big hit. She really wants to add the word bum to one now. Sigh. She reads the story to Luk and he keeps telling her 'swinging underwear' isn't funny. Along with the ad libs she has her first kootie catcher. Fei folded it for her, I wrote in harmless cute things. Pet a cat, do your homework, say something nice etc. Big stuff going on around here.  You all wish you could live here too, ha ha.  

Kai was picking little daisies and bringing then to Eric to put in his hair.