
Our family.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Meeting Mathew and Ethan

Very exciting day.

We went to meet a family in Langley.  Their youngest son is from Kai's swi.  He came to Canada one week before Kai.  The boys recognized each other and Mathew (Fei) was calling Kai Liang.  Kai cried when he saw (Fei).  A lot of emotion? Worried about new people, new house, he was gripping my hand tight and shaking.  Eric told me later that Kai was mad about having to wait for Luk out of the moho so it's possible there was no recognition or emotions? 

The moment Kai saw toys he ripped away from me and ran to play. 

Four little boys and Jia.  Ethan is the same age as Jia with the same need as Luk.  Mathew is same age as Kai and Luk, same birthdate as Luk.  Mathew and Luk were dressed the same.  Too cute.  Kai was very possessive and protective of Luk. 

Lovely family, great kids.  Will be so great if we can keep the boys in touch.

We're back and settled in our favorite camping spot.  Having dinner together tonight.  Big girls sleeping over with Lian again tonight. 

Right now the littles are watching a movie.  Big girls are back from shopping with Lian and having a snack.  I'm quietly blogging and hoping for a nap.

Loving this motorhome and the air conditioning!