
Our family.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

All Day Errands

Lili and I went this morning for some beautification.  Then we shopped for four secret Santa gifts and six teacher gifts.  I find shopping for people I don't know fairly difficult.  I just stuffed the gift bags and I'd be happy to receive any one of them ;) 

We had lunch out just the two of us.  She's such a great teen.  I'm glad we got to spend some alone time together. 

Then she got her hair cut while I dozed in the car.  She got a lot chopped off.  Looks great.

I dropped her at home and picked up Eric and the boys. The boys and I got hair cuts.  We're all looking spiffy.  Then onto Walmart to pick up our Christmas cards.  They had a bunch of shots there for us to buy on spec.  I was hemming and hawing and they said I could have them for food donations.  So we did a bag of groceries for the family they are collecting for and three full bags for the littles to take in for the school collection.  Plus more items for the gift bags for the teachers (6 this year).  Phew.  Big order.  Very little was for us this time. 

No pictures taken all day. 

Taking care of the little details.  Santa cookie supplies here.  Candies and cardboard cut and tin foiled for the kids gingerbread day at school next week.  All of this is why I dream of Christmas away with out any of the traditions!