Winter is here. Yuk. The last week of school is so busy. Way too much crammed in. We did have one day at home. School district made a bad call on having the schools open. Turned out not enough teachers and support staff and an hour after drop off we were told to go get the kids. Eric was already in the school so worked out ok for us. Tough on parents who don't have a parent available. Next day no ea support for Luk so he got another day off with Dad. Today is gingerbread houses. Tomorrow is pancake breakfast (served at lunch) movie day, pajama day and Santa visit. Phew. I was happily telling Eric this morning that this was the last lunch we had to pack this year which just reminded him he's cooking hundreds of pancakes tomorrow. Minus 6 this morning and they cook outside on a big grill.

These two played nicely on their own at a friends party.
These three played hard at the same party.
Flex day? What flex day? Took most of the day to wrap!
Yuk, Yuk, Yuk
Big Buddies came to help.
This is his happy fake camera smile. He has an actual smile that looks like a smile but it's really hard to catch! If he knows there is a camera he is all about the fake smile. Looks like a grimace!