From Kai!! Sob.

Our family.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Treasure Map
Kai is just starting imaginative play. He's also loving stickers right now. So he made this sheet of Easter stickers a while ago and right now he's pretending it's a treasure map. He's pacing off all over the house. Counting out loud, 4..12..39..112..16. Love.
In other news Jia has been asking to try Dorittos Roulette chips (some of them flaming hot). In Jia fashion she has asked and asked and asked and asked and asked some more. Eric and I did a little shop after getting Lili to work and bought her a bag. She was super delighted and wanted them right away. I just went in the kitchen to get a picture of Kai with his map and found her in there with tears and begging me for more milk. Some dreams just don't pan out as she planned. Apparently the chips are actually really really spicey. I'll take her word for it. Haha.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Kai was at the hospital yesterday for a pre surgery appt. No date yet but assuming soon. Fingers crossed for Duncan instead of Victoria.
I signed us up to go to the Canuck Autism event at the Forest Museum. Monday 9 - 10. So that's fun. Kai really loves the train. The whole family is covered to go.
Our little Walter needed a vet yesterday. He started drooling a lot more than usual. Turns out he has an autoimmune disease, Feline Stomatitis. Poor guy. Painful. He's always stuck his tounge out and has always drooled a little, we thought he was special. Turns out he's likely had this forever. Common in ferral colonies. Downside of rescues. So he got a shot of antibiotics and steroids. Check up in two weeks. Fingers crossed he won't need surgery to remove his teeth. The meds worked to stop his drooling in a few hours and he's eating and grooming again. Amazing.
Kai's playgroup was supposed to visit the spca yesterday. We talked to Kai lots about expectation. Gentle hands, whisper voice, little steps. Then they didn't go. The program is loosely based on the calendar plan. Their new building across town stinks of mold. It takes Eric 35 mins to get him there after school. His bully from school is in the same group. So many issues. I want him to stay involved and Eric wants to pull him. First time we've disagreed. We'll muddle through. Kid has to do something fun other than school and therapies where he struggles.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Flex day today. Missed the last three. So I was looking forward to time off. Started the day at school. Passed on the info from Kai's assessment. No one was surprised except me when I was told "oh good, we were hoping he'd get a designation". Odd comment to telling someone our kid is disabled in not one but three ways! Apparently the district is planning to take designation away from Kai. Denying visual help. What? Stupid, stupid, stupid. Another battle. Kai needs all the help he can get. Only takes a couple minutes with him to figure that out.
Then we hit the dollar store. Easter, replenishing and organizing. Big order.
Then to Wal-Mart. If you follow the blog you know of my love of Wal-Mart. I don't have a lot of free time. Combining errands works for me. We got there today and they are renovating. Ew. Yuk. Bah. Things are moving, jumbled and don't make sense. I'm NOT thrilled. It took longer to get through the store. Kai needs bigger everything. The kids clothes were all over. We managed new jammies, underwear and raincoats. Luk and Jia didn't 'need' new rain coats but $15 and matching. Had to. They were all so happy with them. Tricky for Kai to manage over his head ;) Fabulous for Jia's phone in that giant front pocket. Luk gets to match my new rain coat.
Tonight Jia asked for the playmobile house. We spent an hour decorating and cleaning. She wants me to play in the house now but she wouldn't let me be people and moved horses into the house so I'm out of there. Too much for me even in pretend land. The house and contents are sooo incredibly cute. Gramma did a great job collecting.
Cottontail's first bath.
Growing up fast, speeding into preteen but taking time to be a kid once in a while.
So...Jia said I couldn't post this picture because she was naked. I thought she's covered by Cottontail. Nothing showing. Just realized she meant Cottontail was naked! Hope no one is offended by Cottontail's brazen nudity!
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Build a Bear
Day trip to Tswassen Mills today. Jia met May and they built a bear together. Seriously cute. They took it sooo seriously. Careful shopping. They bought bunnies on sale 2 for 27.00. They're twins with different outfits. Jia has declared it the best day ever. Then we stopped at H&M and the girls picked out matching unicorn dresses. So sweet. Fun pictures. I don't want to jinx myself but they were quite mature with each other today. Not the total mayhem that we usually witness.
Mom got a top, I bought a jacket. Not a lot of shopping going on. Lili and Fei took off and got something. Bunch of bags. They haven't shown me yet.
Food was good. Company was great. Mall was great. Fun was had. On our way home now.
I NEED to take Luk to Build a Bear. They have tons of boy outfits and a wheelchair! The boy bear boxer underwear is the cutest thing ever. Not sure Kai would get the building and picking out part. I did see a Lightening McQueen shirt for a bear that he would like and he does like stuffies. Life goals.
Shockingly not one picture of Lili or Fei. They have to approve what goes on here but I didn't even take one. Weird.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
St. Patrick's Day
The big plan was to drop Lili at work. Take the three littles for lunch. Go to the dollar store and teach Kai about money. Then grocery shop.
Kai did NOT want to go out. He didn't care about the plan. Zero interest in money or shopping. I thought it might be fun for Jia and Luk to have a day out just the two of them so I agreed to let Kai stay home with Fei.
Normally Jia and Luk work at tricking Kai to get time to themselves for their pretend play games. They go to great lengths to set Kai up with something and then sneak away. Funny to watch because if they told him what they wanted to do he'd likely say no thankyou. So, a day to themselves and they argued the whole time! Wild.
They loved eating at the Rock Cod and seeing big sister working. Then they took their shopping very seriously. Discussing how much they had, tax and change. They've both shopped before but they were still having fun. So cute. I wanted to take pictures but there was a line up and sometimes 'blog' pictures are a bit weird.
Jia choose a squish toy, stuffed bunny, silly putty and freezies. Luk picked, a car, a wrestler guy, a big blue centipede and gummy candy.
I didn't want Kai to feel left out so I got him a Lightening McQueen coloring book and Mickey stickers. He didn't notice the others had new things. So I've put them away for another day.
When we came home I found him lounging on the train table. 1/4" pressboard. He's WAY too heavy to be on the table and he's been told over 100 times to get off. Oy. I sent him to his room. He freaked. Once he calmed down he came downstairs and we bagged up the duplo and moved the table out. We were hoping a visual of favorite things being removed would help him learn. Sadly I don't see any evidence that he cares about the duplo missing. His routine is off and now he's reverting to some old annoying habits. Our own fault for changing his routine.
Now we need to reintroduce the duplo in a storage container. That was removed originally because we couldn't keep him out of the box and he had enough accidents that the chance of pee and poo in the box of blocks was too high. Sigh. We spend a LOT of our days strategizing on Kai issues. We even have meetings with the other four looking for help and ideas.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Queen Alexandra
Kai's assessment day. Nothing shocking. He has an autism spectrum disorder and an intellectual disability in the moderate area. He is 6 1/2 and tests between age 2 and 5 averaging out at 4 years old. He displayed a lot in a few hours. I was worried he'd rally and try hard to hide the weirdness ;) He didn't.
None of this really does much for us. He qualifies for more funding at home and through school. He qualifies for more support and therapies through school and there is more direction for helping him learn if we know to look at autism.
Mom came to help out with Luk and Jia today and drive the big girls to piano. Which meant Eric got to come with me today. So we tag teamed. I did the questions and Eric stayed with Kai. Less time with a nanny for Kai and we were out of there a couple hours early. Kai was exhausted, evan had a little nap in a hallway!
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Friday, March 9, 2018
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Pack warmth.
I'm still sick. Four kids home today. Luk and Kai aren't sick but Eric is sick of school so they're home today. One more day before spring break starts. Kai had a screaming fit at school yesterday. He was removed from class/school by an EA that isn't his. Eric was called to come and get him. No explanation. Kai has no words. He isn't a behavioural problem at home and he is long done with screaming fits. So we're just cozying in.
Teddy is here until the 30th and Mom's dogs are here for the afternoon. Sweet little pack keeping me warm.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Lili is 16!!
What a fun morning! Surprised her with a car. She really likes it and she was definitely surprised!