
Our family.

Saturday, April 20, 2019


Lili is finishing grade 11.  Time to make decisions.  She is pressuring me.  I keep thinking there is lots of time.  We went to an information night a couple weeks ago.  Guess what...we're behind.  LOTS of talking over a weekend.  On Monday I woke up to her hanging over me, "Mom, I think I want a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Can you take me to the University this morning?".  Ah.  Ok.  What?  How can this be happening.  She was 3 a few months ago nursing me with her little kit daily.  So, we met with 6 different people in a few days.  We learned quickly that none of them are helpful, they were largely clueless and super clueless about what everyone else is doing.  We were attempting to line her courses up, hoping for some dual credit courses.  What we learned was that with her high marks she is good for any course offered except nursing.  Nursing being the most difficult to get into.  She has one A that would be better as a high A so she is redoing that class online.  She also has a class right now that she isn't feeling confident in.  Next year, she has made the request for what she'll need.  I love her choice.  Having a plan and direction is a major gift.  Now we can fuss the details and think about fall back plans.  She will apply to a few programs/schools and we'll cross our fingers for her first choice :)