
Our family.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Another Week Down

Eric and Kai built a robot that actually runs. Eric built it with Kai holding pieces.  Kai was super proud to bring it into the room and let it run around the living room.
Finally cracked open my coloring book.
I had great company.
Road trips when everything is closed!  Haha. Lucky didn't need it.  
Oh, sun patches, so lovely.
Even better with a sister!  Sasha is smiling.
Jia and I made churros in the air fryer.  They turned out great.  Donuts next.
Not pretty but super tasty
The mushroom houses and stages have left the back yard.  Time to make the playground less kiddish. Eric has already put grass seed down.
Oh our boy hates school work.  Tear drops on the paper.  I hate being the ones to make him cry.  Also, apparently shirts are optional in homeschool.  Haha.  Actually he had forgotten to put a shirt on and was heading out of the room.  Normally I would ask him to put a shirt on but I worded it differently and he took it as an opportunity to pretend he meant to be shirtless.  The look on his face at succeeding in word play was pretty cute. When I got home he was still shirtless and he even went to bed half naked.  
Lili and friends did a socially distanced baking event.  Funny because Lili doesn't cook or bake pretty much ever.  Fei and I had to guide her through.  Pre measured everything and explained the recipe.  She had to call for help a couple times but sort of muddled through and produced an apple cake.  Of course she wouldn't do any swaps to make it healthier or lighter. So way too much fat and sugar for some of us.  
Can't get enough of their little faces.
Mr Walter has been catching hummingbirds and bringing them in.  Five of them now! All alive as he has no teeth.  Eric has captured and saved 4, I captured and saved the last one.  There is lots of squealing that goes on when there is a wee hummingbird flying and dive bombing all over the house.  I've been finding wee tiny feathers EVERYWHERE.
Lili's friend group is doing a small, safe, socially distanced outside dinner party at our place after their safe, solo, red carpet walk in their finery. The parents are making it happen. Had to take photos for the parents to see what they're dealing with for decorating, tables etc. I thought the picture looked nice. Everything is so green. Now Eric has a deadline for the deck and house painting.
It's a sucky replacement for a prom but it is what it is.
Oliver, all grown up.  He's 2 this summer.
Haha.  Jia back in a crib.  She wanted to try sleeping in there with Coco but Mom squashed that fun down.
Yup, she was proud, killed that Kleenex good and dead.
New paint color.  Deeper, darker.  Love it.  It's closer to what I wanted in the first place. As close to the trim color in Disneyland's New Orleans and on the Haunted Mansion as we can get it without the actual paint code.
 This old deck just couldn't do another year.  I made Eric put the duct tape down to help the tripping hazard lay flat.  Haha.  Didn't work.  Can't wait for the end results.
This project is super exciting!!  Normally we're looking for time.  Plus for every project he wants to do there are others that have to be done more urgently. I'm also always trying to save the money for fun things and travel.  This deck project was reaching the has to be done before its dangerous zone.  
Apparently Jia loves pics of sleeping babies as much as I do.  I've been leaving the puppies at home occasionally.  Partly so I can get more done, partly so the Fei and Jia have time with the puppies, mostly because Coco is a handful. Hard to imagine looking at her pictures.
Photo by Jia.  Can't believe she captured this one. Isabel is just the best. She is extremely tolerant of the puppies.  They climb all over her.
A Mickey coloring contest. Kai quit early in the game.  The rest of us have to find time to finish another day. Mom and I both have to take our glasses off to see.