
Our family.

Friday, July 8, 2022


We all slept in today.  I was the first parent up so I fed Kai.  I made him a peanut butter banana hot dog.  He was thrilled and exclaimed it was good.  Luk was unimpressed.  He doesn't care for fruit.  I was washing dishes and he quietly opened bread and put it in the toaster. This was a big deal.  It was super hard to stay quiet and just let it happen ;)  I wanted to gush.  Haha.  He would hate that, so you guys are getting the gush.  Luk does very little unprompted. Signs of independence are long overdue.  Then he said he hadn't had cinnamon toast in a long time.  I told him to get the margarine and I got the shaker down for him.  Eric had gotten up cruised by with laundry and was at the washing machine.  I went in there and whispered "he's making his own toast!  10 times the margarine needed being spread with the wrong side of the knife".  We grinned at each other and Eric said he felt a bit teary when he saw.  Then we went back to leaving him alone.
Kai is still working on his sitting skills. I'm starting to settle into the idea that he will only ever sit on his butt in order to eat.
Kai was at the eye specialist on Wed.  His eyesight has gotten significantly worse.  So new specs on the horizon.  The specialist has been telling Eric about new treatment in trials right now that is working.  So there is a slight, small glimmer of hope that if this treatment becomes available he might not lose all of his vision.  We hold on to all the hope we get.  He couldn't read these giant letters.  They did something different this time, they had him looking in a mirror and reading the letters behind him.  Weird.  Eric let them know that he can't see in mirrors.  They were surprised.  Admitted there is a condition like that but haven't seen it.  We've spent 6 years trying to get him to see the reflection in a mirror, no one believes me.  Also, they usually use animals to test him.  Not letters.  He's not rock solid on his letters yet.  So now I need to call and ask about the testing and his prescription.  I'm leary that the numbers are correct.

I also saw another eye Dr.  No good news on the horizon for me. Glaucoma needing another surgery, cataracts close to needing surgery, both eyes have detaching retinas requiring surgery and now my eye lids are drooping too much and require surgery.  Plus, still have the 'spot' to be checked out by another specialist.  Phew.  It's traumatic.  Eye surgery was pretty wicked for me.  I surprisingly however don't need a new prescription.  

Fei started her new job last night. We stayed up late to hear about working in a pub.  She liked it.  Lili and Fei were talking details about the way things are done the same and what parts are different from the restaurant. 
This was fun.  Every time we go out the kids ask for Ramen.  The most overpriced option out there.  So we made it for dinner.  Simple.  I ate the egg and a few noodles.  Not a favorite of mine.  Worth it to see the look on the kids faces.
Lili came with us yesterday to meet our financial advisor.  He was excited she was there and had a spiel ready for her.  With a power point presentation.  I didn't totally think this through because it meant Eric and I had to sit through the presentation.  We're down 12%.  Bit shocking.  I don't want to talk about it.  Haha. Then we delivered mail to my brother and while we were visiting on the porch a mama deer came through and stopped right behind our car to nurse her two babies.  That was cool.

I got all excited about this weekend and want to take the boys for a pancake breakfast and parade on Saturday.  Eric isn't keen.  I was pushing.  He doesn't want to be in crowds of any kind.  Then I read on our neighborhood Facebook page last night that someone parked in town near Hanks at 4:30pm had the backwindow of his car shot.  The Rcmp are involved and looking for the perpetrator.  Yikes.  For real.  In our little town.  So, possibly we'll skip town and hide on the property instead?  Our world is just so freaking sad right now.