
Our family.

Friday, May 17, 2024

3 am


In four hours we're getting up with Kai and Luk.  Dropping them at school and then Eric and I are off to Jeepapaloosa.  It's finally the day!!
And I'm way overthinking things as usual.
There is a caravan of Jeeps traveling together, starting in Victoria.  Stopping in Cabelos in Nanaimo and we're joining them there.
So fun.
Then the worries set in.  
We have the trailer.  Who would want to follow the rv butt in a Jeep train?
How do we make sure we're last?
Haha.  What a thing for the brain to be stuck on.

Oscar is ready. Eric has put in a lot of time and care into prepping for this event. I just read yesterday that there is an amazing black Jeep on route to Jeepapaloosa that we all must see.  She was shipped from Germany to Halifax and has come across Canada and is doing Jeepapaloosa.  Content creator. 

I told a mom from AA about Jeepapaloosa a while ago out on the trail.  She has a newer version of Onyx.  She texted me yesterday that her and her husband are going and wandered what time we were leaving because they're going now too.  They live across the street from us and she walked over to see Onyx and talk all things Jeepapaloosa. I'm glad we'll know someone there.  

I parked Onyx yesterday with the kms at 66666.  Yeesh.

Eric was putting the hitch on Oscar and he stopped and said "I just did the unthinkable".  These are NOT words someone should ever say to someone with an overactive imagination!!!
He had put the hitch lock on backwards.
Unthinkable to him.
Haha, my mind was all over the place thinking of all the worst things possible.  We won't voice the thoughts outloud to the universe.
Anyways, without being able to unlock it with the key he had to break it off.  He used a crowbar and sledge hammer.  It took three minutes.  It really wasn't stopping anyone from stealing it.  

Sorry in advance for all the Jeep pictures coming.