
Our family.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Cool drone pictures.


Our group from day 2.

Eric and I are in front on chairs enjoying the view with lunch.

Oscar enjoying the view ;)

Oops.  The Grand Cherokee couldn't quite make it up.
He needed a winch.
There were lots of folks eager to help.  Everyone wants to use their rescue tools.

We're planning to go back next year.

There were 250 Jeeps or cars/trucks that identify as Jeeps.
Everyone loves their Jeep.
I didn't witness anyone comparing.
I never heard anyone discuss prices, years, options.  There just wasn't the judgements I see online.

Mom found her new home!

It's almost finished.  

Papers were signed today.
She gets it in two months.

So exciting.

Lili is still having fun in Japan.

Doing some fun things.
She comes home in a week.

Eric's little duck collection.