
Our family.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Sassy's Gotcha Day


Happy 5th Gotcha Day baby girl.

Today's thrift store haul included this adorable tiny desk and some girly outfits for Sassy and Coco.

The shy look.  Heart melting.
She is the sweetest creature on earth.

Lili's school group posed with University students in Japan.

The Toto museum.  Hillarious.

The Nissan factory.  Lili brought Kai a toy car from here.

Lili arrived home yesterday.  She had a great time.  She loved Japan.  She's healthy and only has a couple bug bites ;)  Next up, graduation mid June.

We have a bonus kid and dog this week.  Dagen was dragged around on our crazy Tuesday.  He picked out Canucks poker chips at the thrift store.  I asked what he wanted them for and he looked at me like I was nuts and said "to play poker".

Lunch at the bakery.

Chico has just been diagnosed with diabetes.  Poor wee guy is drinking lots and it's just rushing through him.  He's been contained in our makeshift hospital.  He's being super great about the restricted area.  Getting old sucks.
Grampa attentioning Jerry while I cleaned his home.

I have had a quiet, gentle campaign going with Eric.  I was thinking we might have time left with Isabel to train another dog.  Show him the ropes, his place in the pack etc.  
There has been some softening to the idea.  He was at the point of hearing the rescue stories and glancing at the pictures flashed in front of him.  
Then a couple of wild days here with Chico peeing and Izzy with diareah and I figured we would be back to a solid "NO more dogs, no more mess".
Then at the thrift store today he found a fabulous mid size dog door with the solid closure on it. For $2.  And he bought it.

So this is me back to being quiet again and waiting to see if he initiates meeting anyone.  
There is a dog at the spca that has been there for 2 years, he's 3 now.  He is Izzy's twin.  He has issues.  I still want to go meet him.  Don't we all have issues?