
Our family.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Visas and passports

Ok, so there was a slight delay with the girls visa applications but we just got word from our agency that they have our passports in hand and they've been couriered to us today.  Tomorrow when our final package arrives we'll be officially all set to go next Wed. 

I ordered a mattress for Jia's room and there were problems with the order then with delivery and finally today it came and they sent a boxspring instead!  So Eric is off today seeking a twin mattress.  I so want the room to be officially done and this was the last step.  I'm confident he'll bring one home today, love it when he gets determined. 

Haircuts and pedicures for all four of us tomorrow.  The girls are so excited to be getting real pedicures, Eric...not so much.  Can you all just picture it?!  Love it.  Messin' with the macho man.