
Our family.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

New jammies

Thanks Leslie.   Finally some jammies that fit and he loves them.  Having a hard time finding bottoms that will stay up. 

Luk continues to rock the walker.  He scoots so fast.  He has fallen a couple times.  He was mad, fussed a bit and went right back to using the walker.   He's quite fearless.  It's truly amazing to watch him run around the house.  Tonight when Eric yelled supper time, the girls got up and headed to the kitchen,  Luk bum scooted to the couch, pulled himself up,  furniture walked to his walker and raced into the kitchen.  Wild.  

I bought Jia a fish Webkinz for her birthday, Fei and I finally got her fish online today.  She is completely thrilled and has named her Candy.  Her room in Webkinz land is under water.  Too cute.

The big girls are doing their grade one piano test tomorrow morning.  They are both so nervous.  Looking forward to it being over.

I'm finding my stitches to be a huge inconvenience to say the least.  I tend to overdue it every day.  It's definitely better if I can stay still.

Eric finally got back to riding on Sunday.   He said it was foggy but I think he had a nice time anyways.