
Our family.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Power is out.

It's been a long day.  Eric is sick and on the couch.  Thankfully I was up a half hour early so managed to make breakfast, pack lunches and have a shower.  It was busy without E's help.  Then had to leave early from work for an early dismissal day for the girls.  I left Luk with a ton of snacks at home with Eric.  Then the storm came.  Crazy wind.  Power has been out here since noon.  I was supposed to drive some papers to the lawyer today re: Eric's Mom's estate.  Kids and I made it to 7-11 before I realized the lights were out, of course and we just came home.  No way I was driving with kids through a storm on the highway to Millbay without lights to boot! 

Big girls had a piano lesson, no power needed.  Parent teacher interviews were cancelled.  Now we're all home.  Wind and rain still happening and the power is still out.  Living in town we usually get power back pretty quickly, but not this time.  Managed to cook dinner in the motorhome.   Had no lights or power.  The trailer had power but no propane.  Sigh.  Used a flashlight to cook.  Now we're all settled in the living room.  Contemplating lighting a fire and wishing it was closer to bed time so we could just end this long, frustrating and useless day.