
Our family.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Eugene sums up my day ;)  Lazy Sunday.

Eric worked with me Friday night and we washed all of the green glass.  Then all of the open shelves in the kitchen.  Saturday we tackled sorting all electronics.  Moved some more furniture and did the weeks laundry.

Today Eric did estate stuff and on his way home he went to home Depot and bought upper cabinets for the laundry room.  The one we have is an old weird metal cabinet that locks and the shelves aren't adjustable.  I want cleaning supplies moved to above the dryer which started a whole plan of trying to match cabinets.  He managed to find the same cabinets!  We think they're a minimum 15 years old.  Eric even found matching knobs.   Cost more than we would have liked but we're getting close on finishing that room. 

Right now Jia is trying desperately to 'help' Eric build cabinets.