
Our family.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Luk passed out!

Very dramatic evening.  We had a great day with friends, canoe trip, picnic, big swim including a swim to an island, canoe trip back and dinner out. 

We got home and Luk was playing while we unpacked.  I went upstairs to get my jammies on.  Came down and Luk was just finishing his snack and quite suddenly was acting weird.  His head was rolling, slurring his words, he couldn't stand, Eric grabbed him and I was trying to get him to look at me and he wasn't responding.  At first I thought he was playing a silly game and I looked at the clock and noticed it was his bed time - 7:30 and said he must be tired but when Eric tried to stand him up he was falling over and his eyes rolled right back.  I yelled 'that's not right, he needs to go to the hospital'.  Eric picked him up and whisked him out the door.  I ran up to get dressed and Eric came back and yelled for me to hurry or he was leaving without me.  I was running to get my purse for his medical number.  When I ran outside Debbie and Chris were just arriving to drop their kids off for a sleep over.  Shouted over my shoulder that we were taking Luk to ER.  Kids were all in shock.  Eric squealed out of the driveway.  I was jiggling Luk's leg and trying to get him to respond.  He fluttered his eyes a bit and all I could see was white. Eric told me he thought Luk had passed out as he put him in the car seat.  It took us six minutes to get to the hospital. Quite the drive....Eric is skilled. I was holding back the hysteria and tears.

We drove to the emerg. entrance, which you're not allowed to do, I told Eric to grab Luk and I'd move the car.  By the time I got around the car Luk was awake and talking to Eric.   He was very concerned about where we were and how we got there.  He seemed fine.  We walked him around, he was lucid and chatting. 

We decided since we were there that we might as well have him looked at.  Triage nurse had two people to check in before us.  Luk was chatting the whole time.  The nurse finally got to us and she asked if he'd had seizures like that before....hadn't occurred to us it could have been a seizure.   Looked more like fainting. 

I'm grateful they see kids faster and we were next called in.  He got the private kids room.  The Dr. felt after talking to us that he'd had a drop in blood pressure (passed out).   She ordered a blood test and ekg test.  Luk wasn't thrilled with the blood draw of course but he was stoik and brave.  The ekg test was just fascinating and he seemed to enjoy it. 

He didn't have shoes so when he got a bit antsy and wanted to walk he used my flip flops.  Great fun.

In the end they don't really know what happened.  He might have been slightly dehydrated.  She suggested he might be more sensitive to heat than the rest of us.  He's delicate.

We were home late, around 11.  Kids were all still up.  The big girls and James were pretty happy he was back, swarmed him with questions.  All seven kids had a snack and then we got everyone to bed.  With little fuss they were all asleep.

Last time we went to ER with a kid was with Jia for stitches when she was two.  Funnily enough we were with Debbie and family for that mad dash too. 

We only took Eric's phone so I don't have any pictures from the canoe trip.  Tomorrow.