
Our family.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Still no Eugene.

Crazy days.  Skulking around in the dark each night in the weirdest neighborhood ever.  They are all in bed by 10.  Don't really get home until 6-7.  Very few kids.  Lush lawns in a drought and manicured rock gardens all over the place.  Ton's of fences.  Eerily quiet at all times of the day.  Oddest of all is the lack of movement, no kids, dogs, cats or even birds. Oh, and it's never really dark there are so many street lights.

Only two sightings of Eugene on the first night.  Nothing since.  I got a trap out there last night.  Didn't catch anybody. 

I'm exhausted and super tired of this game.  Sick of the neighborhood.  The big girls have really stepped up in helping.  Fei and I tried sleeping in the van out there but we came home at one in the morning.  She couldn't sleep, she was up with the flashlight and skulking around outside.

Wondering if he'd come to the motorhome, that he always gets into if the door is open here.  No flat spots there otherwise it would be under real consideration.

Now, I've been fairly tolerant of the groomers but she lost my support a couple nights ago, they weren't sure they could check the trap because they like to go away on the weekends.  Arg. do we!!!  But we can't leave.  I need to be available should there be a lead.  This has certainly opened the door to talks here at our house about taking responsibility and character.  Something one of our kids really struggles with.

Laying low at home today.  Hoping to get some more flyers out this afternoon and then will resume our super weird walks after dark in the land of pod people.  I'm sure they're all actually very nice people, we just would all rather be home in our noisy busy neighborhood that stays awake a whole lot later.