
Our family.

Monday, August 10, 2015

One month without Eugene.

Cat update.

Still really missing my little buddy.  It's been a month. I am always looking for him.  He followed me from room to room.  He hid in my closet.  Sometimes watched me sleep which was admittedly a little creepy ;)  He liked to watch the water drops on the glass when I showered.  He always joined us in whatever we were doing.  He was a Prince.  I've never had a pet go missing.  They've all died of old age.  This has been hard.  My imagination won't let go of the tragic ends and moments of suffering he may have experienced.  A lady from Ladysmith called happy to report that a neighbor came forward to say there had been a cougar sighting in the area and it was likely he was eaten.  Like that was a good thing.  She even used the words 'good that it was the circle of life'.  Bah.  I can't get on board with that.  Meanwhile another cat from the  area is missing and the rcmp believe it's likely a human in the area catching cats. 

The big girls and I drove to see the cat breeder who sold us Eugene.  She was sad to hear what happened and happy to tell is she has a litter of Eugenes siblings right now.  Same parents.  There are five kittens, three of them look like they might have the classic Himilayan markings, one is white and one is ragdoll.  They are only two weeks old.  Not sure we're ready to move on but they are sooo sweet and Eugene's sibling!  Waiting now to find out if there is a boy and if they have the siamese coloring.  Not a great picture but the only one we took.