
Our family.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
The Three Amigos
We're all dressed in layers and ready to head to town for Trick or Treating and the rain just started. Ug. Not sure what to do. It's BC so it could stop. Or not. Forward motion. Going to head down and possibly look at the rain in town from the car.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Kai's Adoption is Finalized!!
It's official. Kai is our son. The adoption is approved and finalized.
Of course he was our son all along and we didn't anticipate any problems but it still feels great to have it official.
Thanks Sunrise!
Celebrating with dinner out. I thought Chinese. Kids thought not. So Mr. Mikes it is.
Pumpkin Carving
Kids are carving at school with their big buddies tomorrow. Eric helped them cut the tops and scoop them out. Luk went first and I missed the messy fun part. Jia had a riot. Once again we have to wonder what Kai is thinking of this new thing we made him do. Too funny.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Our Stick Family
Luk's IEP
We had our first IEP meeting for Luk yesterday. Individual education plan. Most of the accommodation for him was revolving around toileting. The only part of the morning/cloakroom/back pack routine he needs help with is his coat zipper. So we'll work on that some more at home. He is following the class in progress and will be working on the normal kindergarten expectation. His teacher is positive he will meet the goals by years end. Yay. Everyone there had lots of positive things to say about him and we left feeling pretty good about how things are going.
Then we moved onto talking about Kai but we couldn't do the IEP for him because the visual teacher couldn't be there. So, another day. But we all touched base on the current issues. He is still sitting on other kids, low body awareness and he doesn't seem to see very well. Poor coloring and drawing, he likely can't see. Trouble with his coat, shoes and packing up his back pack, again sight issues. He is reluctant to change anything so issues with sitting spots and line ups but they say that is getting better. The biggest issue of the day is his volume, he's super loud and when he wants help he sets up an alarm that keeps going until he gets help. Same thing at home. So we're all working on trying to get him to stay calm and wait quietly. His teacher reports he's getting better about sharing. He is doing parallel play still and not too interested in joining the other kids. I filled them in a bit about lack of toys and stimulation in an orphanage. His/Luk's EA support teacher cried. We all agree that he is making massive strides forward. Still has a lot of things to work on. It was reported that he gets on great with Adam who is his EA support. Lots of goals set up for the year. No talk of scholastics. Oh, and it's been decided to start letting Kai use the kids bathroom without assistance. Big progress!
Overall everything was very positive. They are sweet boys that everyone is enjoying.
Normal Moments with Kai
This morning Kai was up first and was getting ready for school all on his own. He went back into the bathroom and there was a fuss with Jia and Luk so Eric asked him why he was back in there, answer "I'm looking for my glasses" clear as day. Then I called out for the kids to get me their lunch kits. I heard "here is my lunch kit" so clear and I knew it was Kai but I turned to check anyways because it was so clear. He was dressed today with everything on the right way.
Breakfast was egg on toast. He normally eats his toast upside-down and the egg falls off. Not today. He sat and ate and used a wipe the right way and quietly took his plate to the kitchen. Eric asked him if he wanted some Kai's milk (almond) and he said sure and then Eric asked him to get it while he got a cup. Kai opened the fridge and got it out. I didn't know he could open the fridge. He gave the box to Eric and stood waiting to put it away but Eric told him it was almost empty so Kai closed the fridge. I said "did you ever see the day we'd let Kai in the fridge?". Then he stood and drank his milk and put the cup on the counter. All normal. All correct. No prompting needed at any point. Yay!!! Amazing.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
I went today. First time there to see the boys.
They were so cute walking in their line and sitting criss cross applesauce. Luk was waving and grinning and blowing kisses. Total angel. I don't think Kai could see me. If he did see me he was completely ignoring me.
Luk sat good as gold through the entire assembly. No talking, no playing, no fidgeting. Kai on the other hand. Oh boy. At one point he was sitting facing backwards. He thumped and bumped the kids around him by rocking, stretching and rolling. He sat with his legs out. He lifted his shirt up and went to town having a good belly scratch. He changed position every minute or so. He layed on his back, up on one elbow, one knee up with the other foot crossed over and flicking around. He was making faces like crazy. It's considerably worse than I could have ever imagined. He talked, he was hands on the kids beside him and only fleetingly did I see him paying attention. So tonight we're having an assembly here at home. We're obviously going to have to practice 'sitting'.
Princess Adventures.
So, last night at around 2:30 am, Princess got up and took her book downstairs to read to Charlotte. Jia woke up freaking out because Princess got out of her bed. My old purple Barbie bed that my Dad made me when I was little. Anyways, sure slowed getting ready for school today because can't find stuff. She finally found her and was so happy. Then it was decided that Princess needs to be home schooled so Jia set her up with math homework at her little desk.
Cuteness abounds.
If only the kids would all agree to be home schooled too.
Flex Day
I took the kids to school. Stayed for the assembly. Came home for breakfast. Eric is out. I have the house to myself. I'm alone. I'm never alone. It's spooky. It's only been 40 minutes. Everything about being in the house alone feels weird. On the upside I got to eat popcorn for breakfast.
Already watching the clock for school pick up.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Halloween Train
We made it. Great weather! Luk was a little spooked. Jia talked all day about the haunted house and then totally chickened out at the last second. Eric and Luk were ahead so Luk was the only kidlet through. Kai was so excited to hear the train and was doing a little dance. Pretty cute. He wasn't interested in the trick or treating which was surprising.
As suspected Lili and Fei opted out. Sad.
I have three family passes left if anyone wants one of them. It's nicely done. Ton more decorations.
Hello Princess
Jia was remembering her hamster Princess and the book. Eric found the book and left it out for her. She was so excited to read her book at bed time. She made it a few pages before she NEEDED to go find Princess. Which of course she couldn't find...because kids can't find things. Then the tears came. Jia doesn't cry often. So Eric came to help and three of us were ripping her room apart. She was found hiding in a box of miscellaneous treasures. She's back! Jia is delighted and in love and wishing Princess would get back to her nocturnal adventures.
Jia's room is a mess. Sigh.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Random Stuff
Lili is on a sleepover after meeting friends for skating last night. In Mill Bay. Oy. She wants me to pick her up at noon. Means a long drive for the littles. Eric is off to Nanaimo for a ktm bike show. So to make it up to the littles we get lunch out today.
The girls had a good time at the dance.
Lili picked out a new pair of glasses. On a half price sale.
Our house has been all about Jia's NEED for a Hatchimal. I ordered her the one she wants but I don't know how she will wait for her Birthday (Dec. 28) to get it.
I have no clue what to buy for the boys for Christmas. I need some time to wander the stores. Or ideas. Anyone have any?
I like to be done shopping by the end of Oct. But it's not looking good this year.
Not a lot going on this weekend. If the rain stops possibly the Halloween train. Luk gets easily spooked so hoping for daytime for him and then back in the dark for Jia. I doubt the big girls will want to go. They are starting to opt out more and more.