
Our family.

Monday, October 24, 2016


I went today.  First time there to see the boys.

They were so cute walking in their line and sitting criss cross applesauce.  Luk was waving and grinning and blowing kisses.  Total angel.  I don't think Kai could see me.  If he did see me he was completely ignoring me. 

Luk sat good as gold through the entire assembly.  No talking, no playing, no fidgeting.  Kai on the other hand. Oh boy. At one point he was sitting facing backwards. He thumped and bumped the kids around him by rocking, stretching and rolling. He sat with his legs out. He lifted his shirt up and went to town having a good belly scratch. He changed position every minute or so. He layed on his back, up on one elbow, one knee up with the other foot crossed over and flicking around. He was making faces like crazy. It's considerably worse than I could have ever imagined. He talked, he was hands on the kids beside him and only fleetingly did I see him paying attention.  So tonight we're having an assembly here at home.  We're obviously going to have to practice 'sitting'.