
Our family.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Back to Normal

We were home yesterday afternoon.  We grocery shopped on the way home.  Loaded everything into the house and got settled.  The boys were thrilled to get back to their toy room.  Jia crashed for four hours!  Lili, Fei and I went to see the Fantastic Beasts movie.  I really liked it.  They didn't. 

In the morning when I was packing up the hotel room Kai joined me and helped the whole time.  He wasn't panicked or upset.  Progress. 

Today was my flex day.  Eric took over the kids and I not only stayed in jammies but got two naps!!  Feeling totally rested.  The little kids came home with a bunch of homework and they all just plowed through it. 

I requested pancakes for dinner and Eric made them for us.  Not often we put a meal out that everyone is happy about.  Jia asked if they could have colored pancakes.  As seen on a food pod cast.  They were insanely excited about this.  They looked repulsive and delicious all at once.  Kids loved them.