
Our family.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

BC Museum

We took off today to see the nature photo exhibit at the BC Museum. I planned to get a season pass today but didn't like their family pass option. Their pass is for 2 adults, three kids. $125 ($25 per person). But to add two more kids it was $57 each (more than double the first three kids). Strange policy. Why punish big families with an upcharge? There was no one there to negotiate with today. Luckily it was a free day for admission. So we didn't pay and I have months before we are planning to be back.

Looks like tons of renovations going on. It was crazy busy. Normally we would never willingly go on free/donation day but it worked out today ;)  It was a bit tough getting the chair around the photo exhibit but fine for the rest of the museum. Ran into friends there, that was fun.  Ended our day at everyone's favorite Spaghetti Factory and ran into friends there too! 

We all enjoyed the photos but the winner was just too graphic. I ended up shielding Luk and Jia from a few of the photos.

From Eric's phone. No blur!
The spot (Ship in museum) of our kiss on our first date together at 19 years old. Crazy.
Went to see a movie at a nice theater. We saw Pitch Perfect 3. I napped through the middle part. Had to be filled in a bit on the plot. Might be tough settling for our crappy old theater in town now! 
Lili was with us, she avoided the picture.
These two!  Love. They both refused to look at me. Cats are such a riot.
Our ferral cat Lewis. Home quite often now that it's cold. He sleeps in the sun room most nights. He's super close with Isabel. They're the same age. They still cuddle!