
Our family.

Monday, January 15, 2018


We braved swimming today in Nanaimo. Jia goes often but the boys don't. Kai hates water normally and Luk has to use a swim diaper.  Beban Park caters to special needs so we gave it a try.  Surprisingly Kai had a blast. Loved it. We weren't expecting that!  Luk had a good time too.  It was a ton of work for Eric and I.  The boys just need so much care.  They couldn't walk in the water without falling.  Thank goodness Jia can swim. Showers and change room afterwards did us in.  Glad to be home. Eric is napping.

Wish I'd had a camera in there. Total boy cuteness.

No school for us today.  There were a lot of seniors at the pool and some of them were pretty grouchy.  Sigh. Then in the shower an elder asked me if Jia was my granddaughter. I said daughter. Then she told me "my son has a kid like her, white on the inside, yellow on the outside like a banana". What?!  Eric says my fault for leaving the house.  I've been asked what did I say back.  Nothing. Totally gobsmacked. Just looked at Jia. Who was dancing in the shower and totally unphased.

Oh...Jia got her hair cut a week ago and has flat out refused to let me take a picture.  She forgot today ;)