
Our family.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Pre Fathers Day

Gramma took the boys for a few hours today.  The girls slept in and Eric and I got some time on our own.  We took Sasha to the farm market to visit Nicole and Steve.  Bonus exposure to the masses for Sasha.  She loves meeting new people.  Man oh man does she cause a stir.  Eric and I had fun just chatting to strangers, so many of them telling us about their dogs.  We ate crepes for lunch.  Then went to look at an enclosed trailer.  It was too pricey so the hunt continues. The bike holder on the motorhome only holds four bikes and is awkward,  plus bikes get wet, dirty and can be easily stolen.  Eric wants to put them in a trailer and lock them up.  Easy to take camping or biking locally.  Now that both boys are riding and Jia's bike is bigger we have to do something.

Making a balloon stress ball.

Luk's non latex version of a flex ball.

More work cuteness.

Last night.  5 months old.