
Our family.

Thursday, June 27, 2019


Busy busy days.

Lili and Fei finished school last week.  They get their report cards today but we already know they both got straight A's.  Good job big girls The littles have their last day today.  They're off at noon.  Eric continues to find as many minutes as possible in amongst the driving. Therapies and extra carriculors take up sooo much time. Can't wait for the summer schedule.  The only therapy we've agreed to through summer is Kai's speech.  It has been life altering for us to have Lili driving.  Her and Fei just take off.  Shopping in Victoria, movie in Nanaimo, dinner at Transfer Beach.  It's clear Lili has found the freedom ;)  Fei can see it looming and is asking to drive her car daily.  Interesting and exciting days for sure.  LOVE it when Lili offers rides for her sisters or runs errands for us.

Creating parking spots.

Old leak in the moho.  Eric finally got to repairing, pulling carpet and installing new floor.  I may have been whining a good deal about this one.  It smells better for sure!  He finished a couple days ago.  Just in time for our first camp trip of the season.

Jia trying to trick me with a row of stuffies.

Auntie Julie came to visit.