
Our family.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


A bizarre Esmei sighting.  She's decided to let Eric pet her.  He's finally in her circle of trust. Only took 8 years. He's really enjoying her quirkiness.  It's fun to watch. It's also fun to teach him all her little games. 
Occasionally we get to puppy sit.  Poppy pretty much just has eyes for Eric.  Too cute.
Luk has been super patient waiting for ps4 time. 
Eric and I took an old Xbox and 10 games to a used video store.  The fellow traded us for 4 ps4 games.  That was crazy.  Like getting stuff for free.  Bartering was so fun.  The kids missed out on a good time.  Luk, Eric and Lili had a great time with the trials game. Jia is still loving the big beautiful graphics on her Genshin Impact.  
With the new covid restrictions in place it's nice to have something new to play with and distract us.
Today I had a bit of work papers to pick up so Lili drove me and ran errands with me. To Walmart to return salads that were recalled. To the pet store for a bigger cone of shame for Isabel, I squawked at the price so then to the vet's for one less than half the price. To Best Buy so Lili could buy her new Surface Pro 8. It's a beauty. We ran into an old friend so that was nice.  We went to bulk barn for dipping chocolate but they were out.  I got white instead.  Finally to the covid vaccination clinic so I could get my booster.  I'm triple vaxxed.  Where does it end?  I'm grateful for science and solution.  I wish it would all happen faster.  This is dividing too many people. Our civilization wasn't ready for a pandemic.  

We're all sad about the current restrictions. Ultimately though our family luckily is all on the same page and we have each other to keep us entertained and we'll be together for Christmas.

Tonight was supposed to be the sing-a-long.  Canceled. Penny and Brad came for a visit so that was nice.  
Such cuteness.  Izzy and her mini me.
Finally a quiet time to get Kai on the ps4.  He loved it. However, it's too tricky and Eric had to sit beside him to get his car back on the road every few seconds. I suspect he can't see the TV well enough along with not able to make the controller do what he wanted.  That smile though :)  We need to find a game that is super slow and the characters basically just walk around.  
Is this how y'all watch TV too?  Haha.