
Our family.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Almost on time!

We're only gone 2 nights!!  This is our version of packing light.  We pad times and hope for the best.  Today we actually made it outside on time. Then realized Kai's pants were on backwards.  So he had to go back in and correct them. 1st tears of the day.  The sun is out and we're ready for a fun weekend!
We ate and found seats all together!  Now quiet device time :)  Funny bit.  Kai was up at 4:00 am today. He used up his tablet power.  Eric plugged it in the outlet with Alexa.  I told Kai to grab his tablet and cord.  I came back and found everything on the counter moved and Kai holding Alexa and her cord as well as his tablet and tablet cord.  We're pretty lucky everything in the corner didn't hit the floor because I had Alexa's cord all tucked behind the vitamin basket. I do say all the time that Alexa would be great in hotel rooms.  Maybe we should have let Kai bring her.  Haha.