
Our family.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

First Dentist appt.

Fei taught Jia how to blow on wish blossoms.

Here Daddy, you blow.

?  She walked right up to this post and kissed it.

Open up Jia.

Gee this chair is fun, what's all the fuss about?

Uh oh, this is feeling a bit real now.

Not so excited any more!

Thank goodness that's over with and I got a new ball too!

Another busy weekend.  Friday we went to see Barry's new puppies, 3 week old Chihuahua pups.  Soooo sweet.  The girls just loved holding them.  Saturday we had our first autism parent support group combined with a kids playgroup.  The parent support group usually meets every fourth Wed. night but we get horrible turnouts.  I suggested we try combining a playgroup for parents that don't have sitters and some of us gave it a whirl.  It worked great, there were 7 kids ages 7 - 9 and they all played Wii together then came up and had snacks and ended with a bounce on the trampoline for everyone.  I'm not sure exactly how beneficial the group is for our girls, they're already so social and it was clear at snack that our guests were NOT used to group snacks/party type gatherings.  Lots of funny moments.  We had a house full of gifted kids for sure.  One boy asked when snack was and I said 2:30 and it was clear as one checked the clock, one checked his watch and one said 'right, 2:30' that we better be prepared to present food right at 2:30!  Lili and Fei enjoyed the play and are willing to have them all over again.  Fei met a little girl in grade 2 and they had a nice time together.  New friends are always fun.  Sat. night we took off for a quick dinner with Catherine and the girls and a play at the playground near their place.  Sunday, Eric couldn't ride because it was raining too hard.  Usually I'm the one on the go but this time it was Eric.  He seemed a bit panicked about a whole day in the house with all of us girlies so we took off to see Rio.  Well, the girls and I saw Rio, Eric and Jia played in a mall.  Then we did a bit of shopping and were back home early.  Monday was my flex and Eric, Jia and I took the big girls to school, stayed for assembly and Jia made it through without having to be taken out.  She normally makes too much noise in there and wants to sit with her girls.  This time she sat on the floor by herself and played with E's keys and cell phone.  She was a bit loud every time she said 'heyow' but other than that pretty good. 

Jia had her first big temper tantrum in a restaurant this past weekend because Eric wouldn't let her take her straw out of her milk.  We just don't enjoy it being flicked all over us, kill-joys I know.  She can get pretty darn loud our little girl.  She wasn't easily distracted either.  Uh oh, here we go again.

On Monday all three girls went to see the dentist.  No one was sure if Jia would open her mouth but she did, Dentist says no real way to tell, but her teeth seem closer to age two than 16mo. 

You'd have to spend time with Jia to really 'get' how busy she is but here's a three minute glimpse:
Changed her butt and placed her on the floor, in the time it took me to put her diaper in the genie and wash my hands, she threw Lili's Lucky bear into the garbage, opened a kitchen drawer, took out a metal measuring cup, banged it on all the kitchen cupboards, dropped it on the floor, went into the dinning room and opened the China cabinet, took out an empty salt shaker, pretended to salt the cat, put that down, picked the phone up out of the cradle in the living room, said 'heyow', put that down and by the time I caught up to her she was sitting on the piano bench playing with pretty fingers.  Phew.

Last week we put Isabel into doggy daycare and she did great there.  I chatted with the fellow who owns the day care and he said he'd do some training with her and get her working in a pack and then would work with us on any other issues.  He gave me tips to stop Lacie from barking when we get home and it's worked!!   Isabel came back tired and was soooo well behaved.  I don't want to jinx anything but she's been fabulous ever since.  We're planning to send her back again this week near the weekend so that hopefully she'll be tired and behaving again while we camp this weekend. 

Last news of the week is that Eric and the girls went out last night to look at a playset for the backyard, big girls have outgrown our little swing set and it's too rusty for Jia to use.  He picks it up on Thursday, the big girls are thrilled.  Will post pics. when it actually happens.