
Our family.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Getting ready to do a treasure hunt.

She thought she was sooo cool on Kalum's trike.

Most of the group hiked to the point and the kids explored the secret summer beach.  Lili said the best part of the weekend was remeninising about summers past on that beach.

Isabel climbed on lots of logs and rocks, I think she'd do great in some agility classes.

One tarp, hung on a rope = a full hour of laughter for one baby :)

Horse tails!


Swarming Shannon to see her phone and the geo cach site.

We're not in the swing of camping yet this year, the baby changes everything and our system is shot.  It's staggering to me how much extra stuff we pack now!  Seems Eric and I just spend sooo much time trying to hurry up.  We barely see each other and are constantly switching off tasks.  I was violently ill the first night out.  I don't have a colon or the flap that holds the bile in the intestines and if I don't have food on the track down then bile will come up.  The kids didn't want to stop for dinner and Eric had eaten so I just kept giving the kids snacks but in the end I didn't eat.  My fault and boy did I ever pay for that.   My guts calmed down enough by two in the morning to eat some cereal and by Sat. morning I was good to go again.  Just in time for Lili to spike a 101 fever.  We gave her tylenol and she was feeling better after a few hours but was having a hard time keeping up with the kids, she was pretty low energy.  This was Isabel's first trip out since last year and although she did great and seemed to be enjoying herself, she was a lot of work for Eric.  He's the only one that can control her so he had her with him constantly.  They did a lot of walking, running and hiking.  Eric let her off leash for the first time while they were hiking and he reports that she was fabulous out there.  He used to love hiking with Junior and he did enjoy taking Isabel out.  Hopefully he'll find some more time to do that more often.  The girls and I just slow him down and we don't like trekking in the back woods, we like park trails that are clean and groomed. 

So, all in all, we had a great time, totally enjoyed all the kids and the other families AND we need to find better routine to the packing and unpacking.   Oh, and it sure would be nice if we could find a way to get Jia to sleep better in the trailer. 

Shannon introduced the kids to geo caching.  To say they loved it would be an understatement.  We've now created a geo cach family account and loaded a geo cach app on my phone.  A geocaching we shall go.  Hillarious.  Like we weren't busy enough already.

Eric and I don't see much of the big girls when we're with the group either, they rush through their morning routine and then take off, they come back to use the bathroom, grab snacks and they race through their meals so they can get back to playing.  I know it's the BEST thing ever for them to experience and they'll never forget these days but wow, do I ever miss them.   We're planning a family trip off island for 11 days mid July and I'm already so excited about it.  Not sure yet where we're going but for sure we'll do a few days at Kootenay National Park.  We all just loved the Radium hot pools.  I suggested booking three nights there and Lili and Fei are pushing for five, too cute.