
Our family.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mrs. McPhearson from 1871

Lili's class just had the school marm come for the day.  As a part of learning about pioneer days.  She is a woman who pretends to be Mrs. McPhearson from 1871 and takes the kids to the school house and teaches them about how school used to be over 100 years ago.  An amazing program.  The kids were all in costumes, they had to pack food in class jars, baskets, linen and metal containers.  Lili used Gramma's mess kit from India and used a canning jar with a lid for her water, both placed in a basket with a cloth over her food.   When the kids were lined up they were told about how their class was representing a whole shool and the kids teacher was assigned to grade 7 and had to stand at the back of the line.  Lili and Cole were in grade one and at the front of the line.  They used slates to do some work and Lili said her name was Becky and Dixon was her older brother in grade 3.  Too funny.  She loved the day and talked quite a bit about it last night.  It's so fun to see them get excited about learning new things.

Hopefully Fei will get to do this next year, she was keenly interested in what was happening.

Fun Fair is tonight.  The girls decorated cakes last night for the cake walk.  They're so excited about Fun Fair.  I'm working the first shift so they're coming with me and I'll just let them loose with tickets.  Eric and Jia will join us after I've finished my shift.  Fingers crossed that the rain holds off.  Both girls are dancing the Highland sword dance in the variety show tonight. 

Eric surprised the girls yesterday by building their playset in the afternoon.  Actually got it assembled while Jia napped!  I figured it would take a lot longer than that, so it really was a pleasant surprise.  The girls played on it last night when they got home and were clearly delighted.  Still have to revamp the slide access to get the slide up higher.  Jia took a look out the window and said 'ohh slide'.  I don't think we'll be able to keep her on the baby slide for long :)