
Our family.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Jia had a rough day.
We've been attempting to make sure something fun happens every day this summer. Yesterday just wasn't one of those days. Miss Jia was wanting to help Daddy while he worked on the shed and she ended up walking into the claw on his hammer (hanging in his tool belt). She has a nice little cut above one eye brow. Then she spent some time cutting her own hair. It looks pretty awful. I have no idea how to cut it now to fix the mess she made of it. I think we're going to have to just let it grow in, again. I'm not sure, lost count, but I think this is the fifth time she's cut her own hair. Why do they do this? Fei cut hers when it was long a few times too. Actually Fei spent more time cutting her clothing and Lili's things than her hair. I should be grateful I suppose that Jia has kept her cutting to just her hair. Eric's solution, take away the scissors. Which is hard to do in the first place and secondly, she starts school in four weeks where she will again have access. Jia is quite capable of using chairs and stools to reach anything she wants. She usually uses her powers for good instead of evil. She was napping when I got home, grumpy when she woke up. We went to Walmart last night to get pet food and she was singing all through the store. Eric and I have a hard time keeping up with the emotional roller coaster sometimes. Other than an outing to Walmart nothing fun happened yesterday. Well, I did buy pink bubble gum colored nail polish that Jia is pretty excited about, does that count? or does it mean we need two fun events today? Or does the upcoming weekend to Vancouver including water slides make up for that? I have to say, it's great going away now knowing that Scott is home to take care of things. This time he's going to do critter care for us too, rats, fish, cats and Isabel. Miss Lacie will still go to my Mom, I'm not sure she's ready for Scott :) or rather that Scott is ready for her!
Monday, July 29, 2013
More catching up
Elliot Beach
You want me to pose?!
Transfer Beach, FCC all island picnic.
I've been wanting a sun tent for years and years, finally bought one, Eric set it up and they were in it immediatly. Making it clear that if I want to get in it, I'll need one of my own or a much, much bigger one :)
Ha ha Dad, I stole your pop. She thought she was hillarious.
Tug-o-war. Always a hit.
Big girls against the boys (2) and little girls.
I was sooo thrilled that Jia joined a group shot. She typically declines those pictures. Until I found out that Eric told her if she got in the picture he'd take her for ice cream.
Jia and Zoe weren't quite ready for that rope to be put away.
Jia with the coveted ice cream. She was really enjoying her time with Esme, her new best friend.
Jia changes her new best friend to the kid currently playing with her. She had three new best friends on Saturday. Ah to be three.
Spent Sunday shopping with Fei for the rest of her room things. We're ready, the second Eric is done painting, we'll get decorating in there. After shopping we met Eric, Lili and Jia at Transfer Beach for the concert in the park series. The best part was watching Al perform.
Catching up
No air bags in Grampa's car, so her first time in the front seat!
Kids bowl free all summer, Jia calls it bally ball. Is there anything cuter than those little bowling shoes on her?!
Rats in both pockets, I thought it was hillarious.
Little Lola filling out a pringle chips tube! My how they've grown.
A local photographer has asked to use one of our ratties in a project. He is trying to duplicate a photo of a pair of jeans on a clothes line with a squirrel in the pocket. I just chuckle every time I try to picture him getting our girls to sit in a pocket and pose. Hopefully the photo shoot happens when I can be there!
BIG debate on what kind of special animal to buy for little brother. The decision was finally made when we saw this little monkey.
The last part of Lili's move was her clothes. We got it done last weekend. Feels great to have the kids so organized. I know it won't last, but for now, it feels good.
Lili's old room is now officially Fei's new room. We put out her bedding to get wall ideas.
Moved Missy Fei into her new closet. She is very neat and particularily with her clothes, so it will likely stay this way. She actually enjoyed the project. Actually she helped me do Lili's closet too. I got Jia's dressers swapped out and her closet updated too. Her old dresser is going to little brother. It's in the hallway and loaded with stuff for him. It was a major work weekend for me.
She loved getting to paint. She's touching up in the corners. Grape Jelly Bean.
For a family that is home this summer, hoping for lazy days, we're sure keeping awfully busy! Eric is getting so many little projects done around the house. Helps having Scott there and the big girls are really helping with Jia so he can get things done. The big room switch up is in major high gear. Fei is delighted to be working on her room now. We've been making sure that something fun happens for the kids every day. They on the other hand are now asking to just stay home :) Lots of late nights and busy days, I think we're finally tiring them them out!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Sage's Mom-Leanne pulls through with photos!
Thank you, thank you Leanne!! Thrilled to have some photos. Jia made a bunny picture frame, she's been asking for a picture of her sister Sage to put in it.
These two really did take to each other right away. Clear to see in some of the pictures. Makes you really wonder if they could possibly remember each other.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Deleted pictures.
One of Jia's foster sister from China, who lives in Shanghai, came to visit on Friday. We had a great visit. Took lots of pictures and then on Sunday I accidentally deleted all of the pictures on my camera!!! ARG. I've never done that before. I can't believe that it happened. Knew it the moment I pushed the wrong button. So, you'll have to take my word for it that Sage is as cute as Jia. I did ask her Mom to send any pictures that she took. There is hope.
The visit was too short. We talked about getting together again in Seattle next summer. Jia doesn't normally take to new people and she needs a while to warm up to new kids, but with Sage, they took one look at each other and took off playing on their own. Jia was quite upset that Sage had to leave and got all pouty. She told Fei later "she is my sister, not yours'. She has also told me a couple times now that her and Sage were born in China. She's starting to get it. Oh, and it turns out the third foster sister lives about an hour away from Sages Seattle home.
After they left Lili and I went to the library. Lili is on us OFTEN to get to the library. She always has books on order and is always needing to drop some off and pick up the ones that have come in. I took her on Friday evening and by Sunday she was ready to drop off four novels. We were super busy all weekend so I can't for the life of me figure out when she read them! She is becoming a very serious book worm. She has the old RV tv/dvd in her room. I had to laugh when we were at the library she was also picking up a dvd that she had ordered. She's figured out a whole new system of free movies that she can watch in her room. Too funny. We are never going to be able to keep up to this kid.
I bought Jia a measuring tape a week ago and Lili gave her one of her old little kid watches. She is all about measuring and telling time and talking in numbers. It's beyond cute. Apparently I am '18 high bedtime red'. Eric is '$60'. The temp. in the pool is '2 - 62 cool'. She told Lili the other day while looking at her watch that is was '89 and we better hurry we're LATE'.
Saturday we braved the heat in town and watched the parade. It was lame but Jia liked it, she was handed pink balloons on a stick so that made the event just dandy. Of course I lost those photos too.
In the afternoon the kids all tried skating. Those skates that fit over their shoes. I've been buying them along the way but no one ever plays with them. We had three pairs that fit the girls so they had lots of fun skating all around the house. I got a fabulous picture of them all in the kitchen eating and cooking with Eric while wearing their skates. Lost that one too. Reminded me of Tootie from the Facts of Life. Sunday morning they joined Eric in his skates in the driveway. Roller Derby at the Nelsons! Lost all those photos too. Sob. Lili said they could redo those ones for me but I told them to forget it. They were all out in their jammies and bike helmets. Too cute.
Then Saturday night we went to an outside theater showing of The Croods. The screen was inflatable and we were in a field at the sportsplex. It was advertised that the show would start at dusk which was 8:25, so we arrived and staked our spot at 8. Then it didn't start until 10. Yikes. I packed a lot of snacks and the kids just devoured all of it. Scary how much food they can eat during the summer once it cools down in the evening. Jia and I ended up sleeping through most of the show. She was in her stroller. I was snuggled in blankets with Fei on the grass. We left making plans for what we would pack or do differently for the next one. Overall it was fun.
Sunday we went to the Victoria FCC picnic. Poor turnout but a nice little gathering. After the picnic a few of us went for dinner at Dennys. It was Debbie's Birthday and she got a free meal.
Eric had to come to the office yesterday, so we made plans to eat lunch at Fuller Lake and let the girls have a swim. The big girls leaped in and headed to the dock and spent their time leaping off over and over again. Jia played in the sand with Eric, she got in the water a bit and then wanted to lay down wrapped in the blankets. She was crashed on the couch when I got home.
We've been trying to make sure that something fun happens every day for the girls. Not sure what fun will happen today yet.
I only get a week off this summer. Eric messed with our summer road trip plans big time, forcing me to take the time off to watch the girls while he went to the interior to help his family instead of a family holiday. I'm pleased to say that we think their plans are going by the wayside and it looks like we will be able to take our family summer holiday after all. Yay!! Not sure where we're going yet. Still looking at the calendar. Waiting for the final word from Eric that we're free and clear to plan before I waste more time. I get four weeks a year, but I need two for China and one to recover. Doesn't leave a lot of time this year for holidays. Of course that's assuming I'm picking up our son from China this year!
Back to waiting.
The visit was too short. We talked about getting together again in Seattle next summer. Jia doesn't normally take to new people and she needs a while to warm up to new kids, but with Sage, they took one look at each other and took off playing on their own. Jia was quite upset that Sage had to leave and got all pouty. She told Fei later "she is my sister, not yours'. She has also told me a couple times now that her and Sage were born in China. She's starting to get it. Oh, and it turns out the third foster sister lives about an hour away from Sages Seattle home.
After they left Lili and I went to the library. Lili is on us OFTEN to get to the library. She always has books on order and is always needing to drop some off and pick up the ones that have come in. I took her on Friday evening and by Sunday she was ready to drop off four novels. We were super busy all weekend so I can't for the life of me figure out when she read them! She is becoming a very serious book worm. She has the old RV tv/dvd in her room. I had to laugh when we were at the library she was also picking up a dvd that she had ordered. She's figured out a whole new system of free movies that she can watch in her room. Too funny. We are never going to be able to keep up to this kid.
I bought Jia a measuring tape a week ago and Lili gave her one of her old little kid watches. She is all about measuring and telling time and talking in numbers. It's beyond cute. Apparently I am '18 high bedtime red'. Eric is '$60'. The temp. in the pool is '2 - 62 cool'. She told Lili the other day while looking at her watch that is was '89 and we better hurry we're LATE'.
Saturday we braved the heat in town and watched the parade. It was lame but Jia liked it, she was handed pink balloons on a stick so that made the event just dandy. Of course I lost those photos too.
In the afternoon the kids all tried skating. Those skates that fit over their shoes. I've been buying them along the way but no one ever plays with them. We had three pairs that fit the girls so they had lots of fun skating all around the house. I got a fabulous picture of them all in the kitchen eating and cooking with Eric while wearing their skates. Lost that one too. Reminded me of Tootie from the Facts of Life. Sunday morning they joined Eric in his skates in the driveway. Roller Derby at the Nelsons! Lost all those photos too. Sob. Lili said they could redo those ones for me but I told them to forget it. They were all out in their jammies and bike helmets. Too cute.
Then Saturday night we went to an outside theater showing of The Croods. The screen was inflatable and we were in a field at the sportsplex. It was advertised that the show would start at dusk which was 8:25, so we arrived and staked our spot at 8. Then it didn't start until 10. Yikes. I packed a lot of snacks and the kids just devoured all of it. Scary how much food they can eat during the summer once it cools down in the evening. Jia and I ended up sleeping through most of the show. She was in her stroller. I was snuggled in blankets with Fei on the grass. We left making plans for what we would pack or do differently for the next one. Overall it was fun.
Every time we see Zoe, Jia just gravitates to her. Cute.
The big girls played with the parachute earlier and Jia watched full of wonder and clearly wanted to play with them but was too scared. She was delighted when some of the littles and Moms were playing and she finally joined in. Later she asked me if we had one at home. Nope. But I'll keep my eye open for one now. Could likely play with just a sheet and have as much fun.
The kids singing Happy Birthday to Debbie.
Sunday we went to the Victoria FCC picnic. Poor turnout but a nice little gathering. After the picnic a few of us went for dinner at Dennys. It was Debbie's Birthday and she got a free meal.
How hilarious is this shot?! Got them both leaping at the same time. Fei in pink and Lili in red.
Our bathing beauty.
It's a beautiful spot.
Eric had to come to the office yesterday, so we made plans to eat lunch at Fuller Lake and let the girls have a swim. The big girls leaped in and headed to the dock and spent their time leaping off over and over again. Jia played in the sand with Eric, she got in the water a bit and then wanted to lay down wrapped in the blankets. She was crashed on the couch when I got home.
We've been trying to make sure that something fun happens every day for the girls. Not sure what fun will happen today yet.
I only get a week off this summer. Eric messed with our summer road trip plans big time, forcing me to take the time off to watch the girls while he went to the interior to help his family instead of a family holiday. I'm pleased to say that we think their plans are going by the wayside and it looks like we will be able to take our family summer holiday after all. Yay!! Not sure where we're going yet. Still looking at the calendar. Waiting for the final word from Eric that we're free and clear to plan before I waste more time. I get four weeks a year, but I need two for China and one to recover. Doesn't leave a lot of time this year for holidays. Of course that's assuming I'm picking up our son from China this year!
Back to waiting.
Finally got our no.
We asked our agency to find a file on the shared list for us. It took two weeks to get our answer. The final answer was that he is no longer available. The good news is that he has a family working to get him home.
Back to waiting.
I sent an e-mail to both girls letting them know we wouldn't be working towards this little boy as their brother. They both send me messages back saying they were sad but happy he has a family. I'm so proud of them.
We've looked at a few boys now and all of them are now matched with families.
I know some people think this part of the journey should be private. We don't feel that way. It's an exciting time. We look forward to discovering who is meant to be in our family. It's not a secretive or shameful time. There are children needing homes. It's exciting each and every time we hear about one of them finding their family. Even more exciting when it's one of them joining our family!
Back to waiting.
I sent an e-mail to both girls letting them know we wouldn't be working towards this little boy as their brother. They both send me messages back saying they were sad but happy he has a family. I'm so proud of them.
We've looked at a few boys now and all of them are now matched with families.
I know some people think this part of the journey should be private. We don't feel that way. It's an exciting time. We look forward to discovering who is meant to be in our family. It's not a secretive or shameful time. There are children needing homes. It's exciting each and every time we hear about one of them finding their family. Even more exciting when it's one of them joining our family!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Eric's 47th Birthday
The girls and I had fun with Eric's B-day this year, Lili and I bought him Superman party supplies and Fei set the table. We put his favorite candy, salt water taffy all over the table. Very festive. His first themed party. Fun. In the end he loaded up a regular plate, we all teased him about not using his Superman plate. He offered to switch his food but I scooped the plate and put it aside for him. He'll get to use it another day and the fun will continue. We had Scott up for dinner and Penny and the girls came. Actually the girls were already over, they just stayed for dinner. Jia woke up yesterday just shaking with excitement, she wanted Daddy to have his presents right away. He ended up opening them first thing because we didn't think she'd do well waiting all day to give him the presents some of them she wrapped herself, of course using a ton of tape.
We've been using some of our quiet time to use up some of the science kits the girls have accumulated. The spheres and the snow were both big hits. Next is the Menthos in Pepsi :)
Scott has been building our new shed, it's kitty corner to the fence and garage, planning to move bikes, ride on toys and cars, quad, motor bike, garbage cans, tools and odds and ends out there. Hoping to stream line the garage to just cars.
The really fun news of today. Jia's foster sister Sage (Du Xiao Fang) who lives with her American parents in Shanghai is coming to our house for a visit today!! I'm so excited to meet them. We've met on-line of course.
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