
Our family.

Monday, July 29, 2013

More catching up

Elliot Beach

You want me to pose?!

Transfer Beach, FCC all island picnic.
I've been wanting a sun tent for years and years, finally bought one, Eric set it up and they were in it immediatly.   Making it clear that if I want to get in it, I'll need one of my own or a much, much bigger one :)

Ha ha Dad, I stole your pop.  She thought she was hillarious.

Tug-o-war.  Always a hit.

Big girls against the boys (2) and little girls.

I was sooo thrilled that Jia joined a group shot.  She typically declines those pictures.  Until I found out that Eric told her if she got in the picture he'd take her for ice cream.

Jia and Zoe weren't quite ready for that rope to be put away.

Jia with the coveted ice cream.  She was really enjoying her time with Esme, her new best friend.
Jia changes her new best friend to the kid currently playing with her.  She had three new best friends on Saturday.  Ah to be three.

Spent Sunday shopping with Fei for the rest of her room things.  We're ready, the second Eric is done painting, we'll get decorating in there.  After shopping we met Eric, Lili and Jia at Transfer Beach for the concert in the park series.  The best part was watching Al perform.