
Our family.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Deleted pictures.

One of Jia's foster sister from China, who lives in Shanghai, came to visit on Friday.  We had a great visit.  Took lots of pictures and then on Sunday I accidentally deleted all of the pictures on my camera!!!  ARG.  I've never done that before.  I can't believe that it happened.  Knew it the moment I pushed the wrong button.  So, you'll have to take my word for it that Sage is as cute as Jia.  I did ask her Mom to send any pictures that she took.  There is hope.

The visit was too short.  We talked about getting together again in Seattle next summer.  Jia doesn't normally take to new people and she needs a while to warm up to new kids, but with Sage, they took one look at each other and took off playing on their own.  Jia was quite upset that Sage had to leave and got all pouty.  She told Fei later "she is my sister, not yours'.   She has also told me a couple times now that her and Sage were born in China.  She's starting to get it.  Oh, and it turns out the third foster sister lives about an hour away from Sages Seattle home.

After they left Lili and I went to the library.  Lili is on us OFTEN to get to the library.  She always has books on order and is always needing to drop some off and pick up the ones that have come in.  I took her on Friday evening and by Sunday she was ready to drop off four novels.  We were super busy all weekend so I can't for the life of me figure out when she read them!  She is becoming a very serious book worm.  She has the old RV tv/dvd in her room.  I had to laugh when we were at the library she was also picking up a dvd that she had ordered.  She's figured out a whole new system of free movies that she can watch in her room.  Too funny.  We are never going to be able to keep up to this kid. 

I bought Jia a measuring tape a week ago and Lili gave her one of her old little kid watches.  She is all about measuring and telling time and talking in numbers.  It's beyond cute.  Apparently I am '18 high bedtime red'.  Eric is '$60'.  The temp. in the pool is '2 - 62 cool'.  She told Lili the other day while looking at her watch that is was '89 and we better hurry we're LATE'. 

Saturday we braved the heat in town and watched the parade.  It was lame but Jia liked it, she was handed pink balloons on a stick so that made the event just dandy.  Of course I lost those photos too.

In the afternoon the kids all tried skating.  Those skates that fit over their shoes.  I've been buying them along the way but no one ever plays with them.  We had three pairs that fit the girls so they had lots of fun skating all around the house.  I got a fabulous picture of them all in the kitchen eating and cooking with Eric while wearing their skates.  Lost that one too.  Reminded me of Tootie from the Facts of Life.  Sunday morning  they joined Eric in his skates in the driveway.  Roller Derby at the Nelsons!  Lost all those photos too.  Sob.  Lili said they could redo those ones for me but I told them to forget it.  They were all out in their jammies and bike helmets.  Too cute. 

Then Saturday night we went to an outside theater showing of The Croods.  The screen was inflatable and we were in a field at the sportsplex.  It was advertised that the show would start at dusk which was 8:25, so we arrived and staked our spot at 8.  Then it didn't start until 10.  Yikes.  I packed a lot of snacks and the kids just devoured all of it.  Scary how much food they can eat during the summer once it cools down in the evening.  Jia and I ended up sleeping through most of the show.  She was in her stroller.  I was snuggled in blankets with Fei on the grass.  We left making plans for what we would pack or do differently for the next one.  Overall it was fun.

Every time we see Zoe, Jia just gravitates to her.  Cute.

The big girls played with the parachute earlier and Jia watched full of wonder and clearly wanted to play with them but was too scared.  She was delighted when some of the littles and Moms were playing and she finally joined in.  Later she asked me if we had one at home.  Nope.  But I'll keep my eye open for one now.  Could likely play with just a sheet and have as much fun.

The kids singing Happy Birthday to Debbie.

Sunday we went to the Victoria FCC picnic.  Poor turnout but a nice little gathering.  After the picnic a few of us went for dinner at Dennys.  It was Debbie's Birthday and she got a free meal. 

How hilarious is this shot?!  Got them both leaping at the same time.  Fei in pink and Lili in red.

Our bathing beauty.

It's a beautiful spot. 

Eric had to come to the office yesterday, so we made plans to eat lunch at Fuller Lake and let the girls have a swim.  The big girls leaped in and headed to the dock and spent their time leaping off over and over again.  Jia played in the sand with Eric, she got in the water a bit and then wanted to lay down wrapped in the blankets.  She was crashed on the couch when I got home. 

We've been trying to make sure that something fun happens every day for the girls.  Not sure what fun will happen today yet.

I only get a week off this summer.  Eric messed with our summer road trip plans big time, forcing me to take the time off to watch the girls while he went to the interior to help his family instead of a family holiday.  I'm pleased to say that we think their plans are going by the wayside and it looks like we will be able to take our family summer holiday after all.  Yay!!  Not sure where we're going yet.  Still looking at the calendar.  Waiting for the final word from Eric that we're free and clear to plan before I waste more time.  I get four weeks a year, but I need two for China and one to recover.  Doesn't leave a lot of time this year for holidays.  Of course that's assuming I'm picking up our son from China this year! 

Back to waiting.